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you're not going to see a difference either way, go with whatever you want within the guidelines of the fluid specifications. folks have too much reliance on fluids doing some quick fix or being something magical - but that's where our society is right now, look at prescription drug use and abuse....it's starting to show up in our drinking water it's so bad !:lol: i'd lean away from that mode of thinking for this car, it has far more higher risk items on the list than transmission fluid.

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Thanks for the reply. I was just wondering if those were the right fluids for this car. The manual says Dexron II or III. I haven't seen any Dexron III at local stores, and read all kinds of things online, with some people saying you should only use OEM fluid from the dealer, and others saying that either D/M or Mobil synthetic is just fine. I would hate to see my tranny destroyed by a wrong fluid.

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Buying fluid from a parts store, or Wal Mart for that matter, makes no diference for any car. No manufacturer makes their own fluids any more than they make many of their own components. You're not going to hurt your car just as long as you use the right classification of fluid.

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GM no longer licenses production of Dexron III, so unless you come across old stock you're just going to find ''equivalents'' to it. D = Dexron, M = Mercon (the similar Ford/Mercury product), so you'll find (for example) MD-3 commonly being sold as the replacement for Dexron III.

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do not use wal-mart brand oil , it will make your subaru smoke alittle,


By smoking, do you mean "out the tail pipe," or oil leakage that burns off after dripping on the exhaust system? Either way, I disagree that it is caused by Walmart oil. Smoking out the tail pipe is a sign of a high millage car with worn piston rings, and oil leakage is a sign of leaking seals. IMO, Walmart oil will cause neither.


I use Walmart oil: 20w X 50w in the summer, 10w X 30w in the winter with no issues.

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