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R2 is right. It's nearly impossible to tell anything by the picture to try to help you.


Just to take a shot in the dark, though, I'm assuming that the leak is from under the hood. If so, this could be anything from possibly being a bad o-ring on a fuel injector, the fuel rail itself, the fuel line at or near the fuel rail. None of these are particularly difficult DIY or expensive repairs if you have to have a mechanic do them. I'd make a significant effort to ID exactly where the leak is coming from because any fuel leak is potentially a dangerous situation.

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What he's showing us is the shroud around and under the fuel fill pipe.

It's a frequent leak cause the shroud catches humid dirt and the fill pipe rusts.

First thing to do is remove the shroud (plastic), clean the fill pipe and see where the leak is. Sand and repair with epoxy or special stuff made to fix fuel tank leaks.

If it's bad enough that you have to replace the fuel fill pipe, report back and I will have some more advice to give you. Been there done that...

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  frag said:
What he's showing us is the shroud around and under the fuel fill pipe.

It's a frequent leak cause the shroud catches humid dirt and the fill pipe rusts.

First thing to do is remove the shroud (plastic), clean the fill pipe and see where the leak is. Sand and repair with epoxy or special stuff made to fix fuel tank leaks.

If it's bad enough that you have to replace the fuel fill pipe, report back and I will have some more advice to give you. Been there done that...


I apologize that I didn't state specifically where the leak is. It's behind the gas tank next to the rear passenger wheel. Is this what you're referring to regarding the fill pipe?If so, I'll try your suggestion and post back.



Edited by DavieGravy
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  DavieGravy said:
I apologize that I didn't state specifically where the leak is. It's behind the gas tank next to the rear passenger wheel. Is this what you're referring to regarding the fill pipe?If so, I'll try your suggestion and post back.





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  • 6 months later...

Finally got around to looking at this. The pipe is in fact rusted. There is a clear, visible small hole where the gas is leaking out of. I was going to try and patch it with JB Weld, but the problem is gas keeps coming through the hole and the JB Weld won't bond.


I tried to depressuize the fuel system by disconnecting the fuel pump connector in the access panel in the back. The car eventually stalled but keeps starting and runs for a long time.


Will the gas eventually stop coming out of the hole or will I need to completely drain the fuel tank? Is there a trick to quicly draining the tank while salvaging the gas?


Thanks in advance.

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I stuck a small, rolled up piece of duct tape in the hole to stop the oozing gas. I was then able to conver it with the JB Weld. A second coat the next day finished the job. The pipe rusted out because of the accumulation of dirt on top of the rubber cover that goes underneath the metal pipe. I suspect leaks will occur again in the future but at least this fixed the problem temporarily.

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