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Once again, I am seeking the infinite wisdom & advice of the USMB membership.


My rack & pinion is leaking ('04 Legacy) and probably ought to be replaced. I have a Subaru CD-ROM shop manual which states that the steering wheel and u-joint need to come out. Is there any way around that? I can see the u-joint, at least on the R&P end, but the whole thing including the steering wheel & airbag?


I don't really mind the work. I did the head gaskets and resealed the oil pan recently. I know there are some folks out there that have done that and may not have pulled the steering wheel & airbag, etc.


I gave the Lucas oil leak stuff a try and so far it was a waste of money, so don't go there. It's "that smell" I am trying to fix, as well as the leak down onto the exhaust Y-pipe.



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No you don't need to mess with the steering wheel.


Just unbolt the clamps on both ends of the u-joint where it connects to the rack.


4 bolts hold the rack in place.


Undo the tierods, and the hydraulic lines and it comes right out. Might need to remove the swaybar to clear.

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Well, I knew the head gaskets were bad (leaking). I fixed that. I knew I had another leak and thought it was either the rear seal and vent plate, so I pulled the motor & resealed that. Then I resealed the oil pan and the only oil level that was going down was the steering fluid. It may be just a hose but I may need to dye check it for sure before I go yanking it out.

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