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Legacy 2.2 AUT 4WD '94.


Because most cars here are with manual transmission i don't have much experiance with automatic.

So i'm asking you guy's.


No problem at all in forward gears, and as long as the engine is cold no problem in reverse to. But once warmed up, in reverse the car moves hardly. Engine is reving up but there is only little reaction in the vehicle.

The problem is not clearly described in the service manual.

Only the general troubleshooting table says,

As possible causes;

select cable or lever (can't be the problem i guess because forward is ok.)

control valve - low & reverse clutch - and reverse clutch.

Not one word about why the problem only occures by hot engine.


Thanks in advance for any info.



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Thanks! The car arrives tomorrow, i will check that at first. But if ATF deterioration, should'nt there also be problems in forward gears?

I don't think the A.T. has been well maintained and i don't have any idea how many miles the car has.


As i said, nobody here has much experiance with A.T. and those shops who do are very expencive.



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