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I have a '96 legacy LS, completely stock. I have noticed the headlights are considerably lacking in their performance (and yes, the lenses are clean). They just don't seem to perform nearly as well as my other cars. It appears they are dimmer and don't penetrate nearly as well on a dark night.


Does anyone have a recommendation? I know the outback ran driving lights, which I'm sure helps quite a bit.. I would just prefer to put in brighter bulbs, if that is an option, and still legal to do.


Any suggestions?

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Consider an HID conversion. Being where you are, I'd recommend 6000K HID headlights and, if you are so inclined, 3000K HID fog lights. As near as I can tell, headlights are generally regulated by current draw rather than candlepower output. So, yes, HID lights should be perfectly legal. Check your local laws, though.

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I have yet to come across a single state or federal law that makes the use of HIDs illegal. As a matter of fact, in the state of Washington, the regulation cites federal DOT standards and THOSE merely regulate current draw, not luminosity. The website you mention says that HID kits are illegal, but that appears to be based on legislation in Europe. The letter on the link is in regards to a specific product, not a class of products. Finally, the NHTSA rules specified only apply to direct replacement products. None of that regulation which, by the way, is not a law, applies to a modification of the lighting system. Thus, HID is a legal solution so long as you do not also run afoul of federal, state and local laws regarding light color.

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