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Ok nothing really related to having a problem so I guess this could be considered a waste of a thread but hey, I figured everybody would enjoy hearing me talk about how much I love my car.


Man are these cars hard to knock the wheels outta line or what? My right front has seen a pot-hole that bottomed out the suspension, a curb sliding sideways in the snow at... 15ish?, and first snow we had (month ago now?) I tried to partically drive through a pile of snow in a parking lot that was ice. Yeah hit it pretty hard, was suprised I didn't break anything. And that was with my right front end.


I went to Porter's tire today to have the wheels balanced and aligned because I don't want to unevenly wear my tires. THE DAMN THING'S STILL IN LINE!!! Jeez these things are tough. Best Subaru I've ever owned by far.

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