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I've requested to be removed as Moderator here.

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Hi Matt, I'll still be active,and married :) but just want to sidestep a bit. I'm going back to the path I was cutting about 3 years ago. Closing chapters and writing new,smaller ones.


Projects coming soon and trying to get another business going as this economy hopefully creeps back to life. It's wicked bad here in the northeast. Don't believe a word of the garbage they tell you/us on the mass media trashboxes. But that's its own malady.


One day we'll have to chat like I intended to once upon a time. I sure do want to make a trip to AK someday.



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Well I guess its a slow process. :lol:


Just keep in mind no matter how the admins play this out I'll be backing off and funnelling down my board and Subaru activity. I'm thinking that the nice folks in charge here figure time will pass and my heart will change.



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I really wonder how you ever had the time to admin. Seems like as long as ive know you, you've been running around like a mad man trying to get things done.


No rest for the wicked eh Paul?


Well i hope whatever your planning works out for you, but i know you will still be around. ;)

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Hope you got some sleep. :lol:


I'm going to see Charlie later today. Might swing up your way over the weekend.


Looks like they wiped the mod out of me,so I'm just another member :banana:,yeah that kind, ...again. :grin:


Jesse, remind me to talk to you about a possible road trip.

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