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help with '92 Subaru Loyale

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Has anyone every given a 92 loyale a tune up then have it not start afterwards? Cause I just did a couple days ago....new cap, rotor, plugs, wires, oil/fuel/air filter....and now it wont start....just cranks over and over, but wont start up. Ive check everything over like 10 times to mark sure everything is correct and it is. I have no idea whats wrong. Does anyone know if theres a fuel reset button i am unaware of? I also tried pop starting it, but that didnt even work! ANY HELP would be appreciated.....Also, does anyone know where the PCV valve is located? I looked around but couldnt find it....that owners manual is worthles...anywho....ANYbody have ANY ideas?



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also make sure the wire from the coil to the disty is connected well. the coil is on the driver side. there is a rubber boot that seals around the wire and it goes into the top of the distributor.


another thing to check is whether or not you twisted the distributor while you were doing the tune up. if you did, it changed the timing which would cause the engine not to start. the timing on the 92 loyale should be 20 degrees before top dead center. the timing marks are viewable by removing the spare and the timing mark cover (black rubber cover) on the top of the back of the engine.

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on my 1990 Loyale, the PCV valve is located on the back side of the intake manifold, pretty much in the center, down low. If I remember, the hose ran off towards the drivers side of the engine, so maybe look for that.


The PCV valve actually screws in too (only time I've seen one like that myself)

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i could be wrong but i always thought the fireing order was 1-3-4-2... 1 being closest to the firewall..


i could be wrong as i am not standing in front of my car.. and its been awhile since i ever payed attention.. i always pull one at a time to give mine a tune up so they don't get mixed up..


EDIT: i've ben corrected, its 1-3-2-4... good ole skip :D

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I empathize... ignition can be difficult.


Take a deep breath, and undo everything you did one by one and see what makes it work. Luckily, spark plugs are real easy unlike on some V8 engine.


I had a real annoying problem, where I got a miss after I did a tune up.


Removed everything I did, found out that while I was checking compression, something came off from the compression tool and was left in the spark plug hole. Then I tried to screw the plug in it, damaging the plug and not getting any ignition. That by the way damaged my compression tool.

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