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Good news----Well, once again Scoobywgn and crew came through and fixed the keyless entry problem with my legacy wgn...

Bad news---on the way home we were rear-ended at an intersection. Car in front stopped, I stopped, guy in back didn't. Hit us doing about 35, bumper is toast as is the hatch, its jammed shut, really hope no frame or suspension damage as i really like this car :(


At least no one was hurt, aches and stuff yes...tomorrow will tell...

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Sorry to hear :( Sucks to see. Did it damage the rear quarter significantly? Like did it buckle? That does appear like a noticeable amount of damage and not sure how the insurance company wants to look at it. Sadly looks like a write off, but if it does drive straight you could just buy it back for the price of scrap metal and replace the hatch, bumper and tail light and it would look plenty fine I am sure.

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You win some you lose some. Glad to hear you're OK. I wouldn't expect frame damage from looking at the outside, but you can't always tell. At worst the bumper support might be tweaked. New bumper reinforcement, cover, hatch and a tail light should be about all it needs. Can you get the hatch open to see if it damaged the jamb or latch?

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I got hit like that in my first subaru. Sucked. I was 19 and had only owned it for 2 weeks before that. Got paid for the value of the car and kept driving it for 3 more years! Long live Smash Bandisoob!


The tailgate frame I'm sorry to say is probably bent. You will have better luck getting the latch to open and close on the existing hatch rather than try to fit a "new" one in there. (you'll probably have to bend the rod that goes fromt eh handle to the latch...but Looks like it should still function)


Just install some new taillights and build a tube bumper for it.:grin:


Oh yeah get as much in the way of medical records as you can. You will need physical therapy and massages for the next year, and your insurance company is gonna try to deny it. They will schedule appointments with THEIR doctors, in far awy towns and if you don'[t get to the appointment they will try to deny your claim. DON"T let them....this isn't legal.


PM me for more details of my ordeal if you like.

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the insurance company is going to total out the car


This happened to me once (a long time ago, when I was a student).

Rather than tow the wreck from my driveway, the insurance company offered to sell it to me.

So I bought it, fixed it up (mostly with parts from a junkyard), and drove it again.

In those days, that was legal. I don't know about now.

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