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My wife has a 2007 B9 Tribeca and I recently replaced the brake pads and rotors in the front. Since then she says it has been pulling slightly to the left under hard braking and today she said that the light on the dash "brake" cam on. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

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did the wheel bolt back on straight? do you have any shuddering or pulsating of the pedal. did you have any fitment issues taking off the caliper or installing the pads?


the brake light would be on if the fluid was low or the parking brake was on.


did you disconnect any of the brake lines. air in the system will cause one side of the car to grab less than the other, and then pulling. if you cram the brake hard enough, does one tire lock up?(the ABS would wig out in this case)

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The wheels went back on straight, they are the OEM 18's.

I will check the fluid levels tonight when I get home - first thing I had her check was if the E-brake was on, she confirmed it was not.

She has not reported any shudder in the pedals or while braking.

I didn't disconnect any of the brake lines, but I didn't bleed the system either (next project: new brake fliud, the car does have 50K miles on it)

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This is most likely a caliper, caliper guide pin issue. When the new pads/ rotors were put on they had to return the pistons in the caliper to the "open" position. It possible that one of them is stuck or sticking. It could also be that the guide pins are stuck. Either way one of the brakes aren't functioning properly. What ever side its pulling to the opposite side is the non-functioning one. The brake light is most likely the float in the reservoir.

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This is most likely a caliper, caliper guide pin issue. When the new pads/ rotors were put on they had to return the pistons in the caliper to the "open" position. It possible that one of them is stuck or sticking. It could also be that the guide pins are stuck. Either way one of the brakes aren't functioning properly. What ever side its pulling to the opposite side is the non-functioning one. The brake light is most likely the float in the reservoir.


+1. did you grease the pins before putting the calipers back on the pins?? if not, thats where i would start. as for the brake light, as far as i know they only come on when the fluid is low..

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