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why dont we have cop cars like this

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Because us americans are to prideful and wont ever switch to a import police cruiser. Thats why they are only limited to US brand vehicles. You ask any police chief to switch to a turbo AWD import for a police cruiser and despite all the advantages they will still laugh at you.

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Because we Subaru owners will no longer have the upper hand with AWD.


Besides, it's nice to know most cop cars are RWD/FWD :lol:



But with all seriousness, a cop car in America must be heavy, tough, and have lots of room for equipment and bad guys...

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Because we Subaru owners will no longer have the upper hand with AWD.


Besides, it's nice to know most cop cars are RWD/FWD :lol:



But with all seriousness, a cop car in America must be heavy, tough, and have lots of room for equipment and bad guys...

yeah, BIG bad guys

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Because only Europe and Japan they understand that you need a fast car instead of a big and heavy one.:grin: (and fuel is expensive here)


In France the Gendarmerie (police) is waiting with a lasergun at restplaces next to the highway at the exit only for one reason. So when a 'baddy' passes they can do a flat out launch with their WRX.


In UK they use imprezas because the roads are crappy and muddy and it always rains. Plus there are lots of young mad people racing.


In holland they used porsches some time ago but now usually VW golf V32R so if you have an impreza wrx you can still outrun them on curved roads.

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You need to also realize that government agencies buy vehicles on a "low-bid" basis. Have you ever been in the front of a police car? We have so many electronic items in ours at work that a person cannot even sit in the passenger seat. DVR, AVL, CB Radio, light bar controls, police band radio, laptop, plus a shotgun/AR15.


Yeah, I agree that the Crown Victorias and Impalas are turds when it comes to cars. I do not see it feasible to put a turbo, AWD, MT car in a police lineup. They would be in the garage every week for smoked clutches and broken gears.

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If you want to see the AWD cop cars you need to head for the mountains. I know at one time that the pd of Vail and Aspen, Colorado both ran Saabs. But as was said earlier the towns will put out for bid for new cars with their specifications. Then it is up to the manufacture to come up with the car and the right price.

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I hate to break it to you guys, but, the reality is that patrol work requires incredibly durable, capable, and often large-ish vehicles. As much as you'd all like to see a WRX patrol car, I can tell you; it would suck as a cop car. Plain and simple.


You need to take in to account the ammount of crap the average police officer hauls around. Trust me when I tell you that there is ALOT more to it than you think. Hauling all that stuff around just isn't going to happen in pretty much any import. Now load that import with all the crap, and try to make it go fast. No dice.


Like the ancient proverb goes; There's no replacement for displacement.


I don't care what your opinion is about the Ford, Dodge, or Chevrolet cop cars. The fact remains is that most all of you out there stop when you see one, and those who don't rarely get away. Even with your all wheel drive. Which brings me to my next point.


Cops don't need AWD cars, because for the most part, COPS CAN ACTUALLY DRIVE. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. IN THE US AWD is luxury, not a necessity. If you think of AWD as the latter; you probably should have your license revoked. There is a very small percentage of the US that has snow year round, thusly, AWD is wasteful. Instead of wasting that money, we do the right thing here and actually extensively teach our officers how to drive VERY WELL. That is why most of them can do things with a RWD 300hp sled that the majority of drivers can't do with all the tires in the world turning. I'd rather spend the money training cops to perform well than giving them AWD and telling them to turn their brains off. The reality is that with their training; they can still perform exceptionally well in ALL weather conditions despite the proposed disadvantages of RWD.


Finally, so long as American auto manufacturers can continue to make a reasonably well designed and executed patrol vehicle; I would be FURIOUS to see foreign patrol cars. Why should our government ship our money out of the US for cars doing jobs here in the US. It already pisses me off enough to see Nissans, and Toyotas used in government positions when there are American made vehicles that can fill that same position. The dollars spent on those vehicles could potentially employ people here. If the car is similar; why would you ever choose anything else?

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Cops don't need AWD cars, because for the most part, COPS CAN ACTUALLY DRIVE.


HEhehe... Only a very talented few here. Not knocking cops in general, some area departments go out of their way to train their officers. Here, they kinda fall off roads and smack into people by going the wrong direction on one way streets...

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Our County cops have everything imaginable. Including about a dozen brand new Honda Accords that they use for both marked and unmarked patrol vehicles. Among the others they have Impalas, Intrepids (both getting old now) Crown Vics, quite a few Expeditions, a Mustang (and it is marked), AND a riced out Civic for spying on street racers. :lol: Most people don't know about that one, and probably never will.

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The US government now ownz GM and Chrysler.... so crap rolls down hill.


Dude, set down the Cool-Aid and back away from the cup.


The US has been using home-made cops cars since cars the beginning. It's because we make the best vehicle available for the job that needs to be done. Look around at other countries as well. They each utilize the best equipment for their unique situations. A small 4 cylinder car just wouldn't be practical for patrol work here, no matter how much you want to believe in your conspiracy theories.


Exhibit A:

Chevrolet Caprice: Standing Out With Power And Luxury


All-new six speed 6L80E automatic transmission with Active Select on SS and Royale


Dubai, United Arab Emirates – The Caprice has long been the cornerstone of the Chevrolet brand in the Middle East. Considering its specifications, performance, driving dynamics and value for money, it is indisputable that the 2009 Chevrolet Caprice is indeed one of the world's best large luxury sedans. Chevrolet's biggest sedan now benefits from a six speed 6L80E automatic transmission and even higher specification continues to deliver a thoroughbred driving experience that is far beyond that of its peers.


Chevrolet haulted US sales of my beloved Caprice in 1996, citing that they simply weren't making enough on each unit to continue production/sales within the US. Yet the nameplate has continued on elsewhere to a very happy audience. It's all about having the right tool for the job.


Countries in which long distance travel while moving large ammounts of personel, and equipment will continue to utilize the best tool for THAT job. In most cases; that will continue to be a large, high displacement, RWD American designed platform.


Countries that don't need to move as many people, or as much equipment will continue to utilize the best tool for their needs. A simple example is most European police cars. Smaller platforms, with smaller displacement engines, better handling, and narrower shoulders better suited for the tight quarters that are most European cities.


Until someone can produce a vehicle which rival the Ford Crown Vic, or the Dodge Charger/Magnum line; those two will continue to dominate the police business within the US. You can hate on them all you want, but, any clue and a quick look around will reveal that there aren't really any cars better suited for the job. There was talk of the Caprice returning on the Pontiac G8 platform. Words which made me giddy like a school girl for about a week. Sadly that plan was shortlived, and the number crunchers axed the idea. As much as I love GMs, even the Impala is a pretty crappy patrol car. It has to be utilized in the right situation, and that is why you mostly see them assigned to detectives, and heavily urban situations where a "paddy wagon" is readily available. The rural routes will continue to be dominated by the big RWD cars, and police officers who can actually drive them. EVOC courses teach you alot.

Edited by 3eyedwagon
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3 eyed: you are exactly right. The Montana HP trialed a couple of HO Mustangs,very effective chasing people down,but really sucked if one had to transport a criminal,in Montana you often can't wait for a paddy wagon to show up.In the larger towns of Montana a fast car doesn't mean better results,you don't need a car with turbo,I have yet to see a turbo based car that could outrun a police radio....

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I hate to break it to you guys, but, the reality is that patrol work requires incredibly durable, capable, and often large-ish vehicles. As much as you'd all like to see a WRX patrol car, I can tell you; it would suck as a cop car. Plain and simple.


You need to take in to account the ammount of crap the average police officer hauls around. Trust me when I tell you that there is ALOT more to it than you think. Hauling all that stuff around just isn't going to happen in pretty much any import. Now load that import with all the crap, and try to make it go fast. No dice.


Like the ancient proverb goes; There's no replacement for displacement.


I don't care what your opinion is about the Ford, Dodge, or Chevrolet cop cars. The fact remains is that most all of you out there stop when you see one, and those who don't rarely get away. Even with your all wheel drive. Which brings me to my next point.


Cops don't need AWD cars, because for the most part, COPS CAN ACTUALLY DRIVE. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. IN THE US AWD is luxury, not a necessity. If you think of AWD as the latter; you probably should have your license revoked. There is a very small percentage of the US that has snow year round, thusly, AWD is wasteful. Instead of wasting that money, we do the right thing here and actually extensively teach our officers how to drive VERY WELL. That is why most of them can do things with a RWD 300hp sled that the majority of drivers can't do with all the tires in the world turning. I'd rather spend the money training cops to perform well than giving them AWD and telling them to turn their brains off. The reality is that with their training; they can still perform exceptionally well in ALL weather conditions despite the proposed disadvantages of RWD.


Finally, so long as American auto manufacturers can continue to make a reasonably well designed and executed patrol vehicle; I would be FURIOUS to see foreign patrol cars. Why should our government ship our money out of the US for cars doing jobs here in the US. It already pisses me off enough to see Nissans, and Toyotas used in government positions when there are American made vehicles that can fill that same position. The dollars spent on those vehicles could potentially employ people here. If the car is similar; why would you ever choose anything else?


THANK YOU!!! Finally!



Yes, because cops need a super-tough vehicle. I'm not saying Subarus aren't tough, but one of the primary reasons the Crown Victoria is such a great cop car is because it has a strong frame (it is currently the only passenger car with a body-on-frame design). It is literally a truck with a car body.


I don't know about the new Dodge Charger or Chevrolet Caprice police car (the badge engineered Pontiac G8/Holden Commodore), but those would serve as excellent police cars as well.

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I was watching the news about a month ago and (i cant rember which state) but they bought 3 subaru wrx's and set them to a special high speed pursuit chase team.


They did this in response to a sup'd up camaro that out ran their squad xD and on camera too! but the camaro blew a tire and crashed :/ bummer... *searches for article* hmm damn oh well

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Amen, 3eyed. Officers in the major agencies, like State Police, learn how to go into controlled four-wheel drift, do emergency lane changes, etc. - all that fun stuff that racers learn. They also know the limits of the vehicles.


And you can't outrun a radio.


They also learn that, as public servants, that if you have the choice of piling up your cruiser and risking your own life, vs. hitting somebody else - even a perp - you take the chance on yourself. Like our military people, we can never repay the risks you choose to take for the good of the public. It means little, but thank you.

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