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Blower fan relay location?

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I have torn the dash apart on my 1991 subaru lagacy 4 door sedan. I have established that my blower motor will run by connecting power to it directly, so my problem must be the blower relay. I have purchased a blower relay from my local dealer, but he cannot tell me where the relay is actually located. Would someone please tell me where this pricey little bugger hides?

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You're in the twilight zone here -- the crossover years for "Old Generation" to "New Generation". Your question for a 91 Legacy would be better served on "The New Generation of Subarus" message board.


If I knew the answer, though, I'd tell ya :)


-- Mark

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On the left hand Kick panel above the fuse box, near the top of the dash.....LOL, Yep real fun to get to.


Anyway if you look in the manual i think it is the green plug in, not 100% shure because it could be the brown one.... I dont have my manual right here beside me but i think it is the green plug in. If you dont have a manual just do the green one first, if that doesnt do it do the brown , and then white. They are the same relay's

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Umm.......? I am still lost. My manual does not have any information on any relays. It shows fuses only, both under the dash and under the hood. It shows the relays in the main fuse box under the hood, but only as blank spots in the fuse box, it doesn't even identify them as relays, it ignores relays completely, that is why I came here for help. Thanks for the information, but it doesn't seem to jive with my subaru. After reading your posts I located three relays on the left kick panel above the fuse box. If I stand on my head with my back contorted in a midievel torture position, around the drivers seat and half out the door, I can shine a pen light on the relays. They are all black and arranged horizontally. The one on the far right is labelled "main fan"on the board. The one in the middle is behind the little courtesy light that shines on the fuse box, and the one on the far left is behind a large clump of wiring harness. I can just make out "illumi" on the board near one of them. I pulled all three relays and checked continuity across the contact points as I applied power to the coils, and all three relays function perfectly. I installed a jumper across the contacts on the board for the "main fan" relay, to simulate a closed relay, and it brings on the two fans at the radiator, but not the blower fan under the dash. I have checked all fuses, and they are all good. Although I am not sure which fuse actually serves the blower fan. In the fuse box under the dash there is a 20A fuse marked "main fan" and two seperate 15A fuses marked "heater". But I checked them, and "ALL" the other fuses, under the dash and under the hood, and they are all good. Is the blower relay hidden somewhere else?

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Does the blower not work on any speed? It seems I had a problem with mine & there is a device wit a fusible link in the air duct adjacent to the heater blower. I soldered mine back together & oiled the heater blower motor and all has been fine since.


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The 3 horisontal arranged relays are on top of the fuse box. The relays (feul, ignition and blower fan) are abouve the fuse box and vertically arranged.

Remove the panel under the dash and steering column, the relays you are looking for are behind the 'tray' box.

The blower relay is the third from abouve with the colourless plug.





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Thanks so much for your help on this frustrating item. I looked again and can find nothing. Yesterday, after several infuriating days of trying to locate this, I did a work around. I used a fuse clip to add a male spade connector to a switched hot lead in the fuse box, ( I used the hot side of the radio circuit.) I ran a wire from that new connector through a new 15A fuse. I went from that new fuse to what is supposed to be the hot wire at the blower. Now when the key is turned on I have power to the blower and it works perfectly. Since the speed selector switch is on the ground leg of the circuit, that also works perfectly. As far as I can tell the only functionality that I have lost is the blower does not turn off when you select "OFF" on the climate control panel. But that is a small price to pay to move on from this turkey!


Thanks again!



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  • 3 months later...

I also had the dash apart after reading the previous post. I had to take off the fuse block and look behind it towards the top of the dash.


There was one tiny orange relay, the blower relay was actually behind a bracket when looking up towards the dash when laying down with the back of your head on the brake pedal. The clear connector was the key. Removing the relay took a bit of work, I had to unclip the connector from the bracket using a pair of needle nose pliers. The relay is cylindrical, silver, one inch long, and the diameter of a quarter. It has the following information on it:


10K23, 056700-5260, 12V, 22A, Made in Japan.


There is a simiar relay just above it which is the fuel pump, with the green connector. I actually disconnected this one first and the car would not start, go figure.


I also overhauled the fan motor, very dirty, full of carbon from the brushes, oiled it, and we are good to go.



Anyway, will go to Subaru and pull out the wallet.


Thanks for the info. Saved $$$$$



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You can save more money if you take the relay apart. I removed the outer housing which was quite easy. Just take a screwdriver and pry apart the metallic cylinder, donèt worry about the copper piece on top, it is not attached to the relay inside. Once inside, everything in my relay, that was not working, looked OK. I used a multimeter and measured 80 ohms on the coil, put that into 12V and get about 150ma. Sounded OK. I put everything back together and presto, it worked!!


Of course, this may not always be the case but it worked for me, try it and see.


Good luck.



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  • 10 months later...

I have a similar problem on my '91. Thanks to this list, I found my relay behind the panel along the lower edge of the dash, the one containing the little stash box labelled "tray", under the steering wheel. After removing six Philips head screws, the panel dropped off and the relay practically jumped out and said "take me". I swapped the relay with the neutral colored connector with the one that had the colored one, and then my blower came to life (but my fuel pump wouldn't). So now at least I've confirmed the source of the problem.

The part number 056700-5260 stated in earlier posts matches mine, and this seems to describe a 12 volt, 22 amp relay. http://www.importautoparts.com has them listed as the fuel pump relay, and they're only $12.00.

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  • 12 years later...

I have tested my blower motor (works), Fuses (good). but no power to the fan selector switch or the blower.  I took the panel off the bottom of the dash board as described below by toleranc02 and I can see there is a bracket behind some wiring bundles with a metal can at the top, a brown rectangular "relay" in the middle and nothing on the bottom.  The blower motor relay should be the bottom one.  Where else should I look for this?

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  • 2 years later...

Sorry to drag out an old thread but my 1999 Impreza L 4 door, blower will not work when in the 20s. drive the car a bit (15min) and the blower will work. (warms up a little to make conatcts work?)Confirmed there is no power to the blower motor when it is not functioning. I'm hoping it is a simple swap out of the relay. I can here it click & sounds like it is up behind instrument cluster toward right side . Should I be able to see it with a mirror ? I have a junker 1995 impreza L 4 door that I took off the panel & pulled out instrument cluster & don't see any relays? Weird? Are they different assemblies? is this what it is supposed to look like? https://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/intermotor-electrical-relay-r3054/20975789-P?searchTerm=relay

If this is the actual relay shown, looks like the wire connector might have the locking type tab. Meaning I might need two hands up in dash to pull apart connector from relay?

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