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I have a 99 subaru legacy outback and when you turn the steering wheel it feels as if there is no power steering assist. The wheel is harder to turn when you make a left hand turn than when you turn right. Has anyone had a similar problem? Has anyone had powering steering rack issues? or a steering pump issue? What were those like... Any information would help thanks

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The reservoir is full. Also the torque bind article I found says that the issue was resolved with a redesign in mid 97 as well as the fact that the car does not shudder it just feels as though there is no power steering. My belief is it’s the rack as it doesn’t feel identical steering left to right as though there is blow by at one of the internal seals to the rack.:mad:

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No it was not resolved, thats like saying withradial tires they resolved flat tires. Parts still wear, things get tired, things break, tires still get flats. And if you do a search here there are subarus from all years that get torque bind from age, parts failing, and mismatched tires.


There was a redesign in 1997 to reduce premature wear of the housing, no where does it say it cured it forever.





If you dont wish to investgate the possability of torque bind, thats fine. But it giveses you hard steering and odd handling in the rain. It can tear up the differntials, tires, tranmission, cv joints and driveshaft.


if it is torquebind, it will make itself much more pronounced by breaking one of those things.



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Could also be your steering column u-joint. Pop the hood and look to see where the column comes through the firewall ( underneath a mess of hoses). You will see a double u-joint section. Get a can of penetration fluid like wd40 or something and hose down both joints. Really hose them down well to make sure that you get a good coating. This may help. I had the same problem on my 99 GT and a local subaru tech turned me on to this one. If it doesn't help, one of two things; it wasn't the problem to start with, or you have bigger problems. Enjoy!

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Whn i get a chance (its my sisters car and itsseldom here i will try the wd40 and she is suposed to get an apointment at the local subaru guru and hae it checked out more thuroly. thak you all for your sugestions and information. i will update when the problem is resolved.

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