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Good bye

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Just a quick good bye. I have been a member for a while and most of my posts have been in the tech forum under the newer cars. I sold my 2000 Outback Ltd. yesterday. I have owned Soobs my entire life. I had a few Brats and a couple of wagons. After owning the Outback for a little over a year I had to get out. The car made good power, got good mileage and handled well but just too many damn problems. I hated that thing. I wouldn't mind getting another, just not that era. I tried to get something newer ('05 or up) but just not in the budget yet. I just purchased a 2004 VW Passat W8 4Motion. I hope I will be much happier.

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  vwbuge1 said:
I just purchased a 2004 VW Passat W8 4Motion. I hope I will be much happier.


Sorry about your bad experiences. I hope you'll be happier too. Drop in later on and let us know how it's going with the VW.


Aloha and good luck!

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  subaru360 said:
If you thought the Outback had problems, you're going to hate the VW.


I hope not. At least it will be a lot more fun to drive!


The notorious problems with the VW have been addressed already. Plus, the car comes with another 10,000 miles bumper to bumper warranty.

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  vwbuge1 said:
I hope not. At least it will be a lot more fun to drive!


The notorious problems with the VW have been addressed already. Plus, the car comes with another 10,000 miles bumper to bumper warranty.


Just wait for the set that show up after 10,000 miles.



You will be back.

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Good luck as a fellow VW fan. I try not to get too exotic with any car. I stick mostly to TDI's but just bought a 2002 VR6 GTI that needs engine work - fella didn't have the tensioners checked. Needs an engine at 90k.


Bet that 4 motion will fly.


A note.


I usually do the 95-99's. Only 2.5 SOHC I have done was a nightmare. Several engines to get a good one.


The GF's 2006 Impreza seems to be doing well but she doesn't do the miles she used to (not having a job will do that). Pushing 80k? with no issues yet.


Too bad about the luck you had. But I'd try a Suabru again if the opportunity arrises. In the meantime have fun with the VW.

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Let's not say goodbye, let's make it until we meet again.





Had a lot of VWs in the past, mostly like rabbits, etc,

and while they ran great for a long time, after about

70-80 k they had all kinds of electrical probs.


But I really hope they've improved since then.

Probably have, most cars have.


2004, that's great. I just got a 95 Legacy wagon

with 135k, but it's good for a while. I was desperate,

and lucky this car was on the lot.


Have fun!!!



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  subeman90 said:
I always wanted to drive one of those W8 4 motion cars. I have seen the rare stick ones before too....I bet that would be a fun ride. Good luck


I am flying to FL to pick it up in 2 weeks. Should be a fun drive home.


I looked at production numbers for that car. They only made 101 in 2004. Glad I got the 6spd so I won't have any probs people experience with the auto.

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