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What Are We NE's Doing Next Summer/Fall?

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Been seeing a lot of meets & greets planned for the rest of the country lately, so it got me wondering what those of us in the northeastern part of the country are planning/thinking.


Assuming my current plans go through (so far, my track record isn't so hot... they change every other hour it seems), I should have a vehicle I'm proud enough about to get to one of these meets. It may not be quite offroad-worthy just then, but it'll still be worth it to get out and meet some of y'all.

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What I show up for depends on where I end up after May, and at what stage my project's at. I hope to have everything together at the end of March, by the latest. The car probably won't be what I want it to be until a year or two down the road (gotta spread the spending of cash out a bit, otherwise the wife will kill me, newlyweds or not ;):rolleyes:).


Even if I don't have it lifted, or the bumpers exchanged, or the brushguard installed, etc., I'd still like to show up.

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