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So I don't know how many of you used to drive old aircooled VW. When you would see/ pass another person driving showing the peace sign or a healthy nod was the norm. I am trying to start this with my fellow subaru drivers here in the midwest. There aren't as many soobs here as the rockies or pacific northwest so seeing another outback,forester etc is a little few and far between. Sooooo its not going so hot. Not many are returning my gestures. The one that gets the least return is the blackpower fist thru the sunroof. LETS GIVE THE NEW VW PUNCH THING A RUN FOR ITS $ It starts grassroots :)

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What? Like "Subaru Slap"?

Or more like a friendly wave, flash of the lights, peace sign kinda idea?


I make sure I wake to any subaru that is older than 1990.

Because most people driving those are Sube nuts, unlike the 90-05'ers.

Anything newer than an 05 is usually a nice "wealthy" Sube fan.


But then again I live in the PNW, so I have a lot more cars to wave at...



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Was driving my '69 GMC pickup the other day and I guess there's an "old codger tuck wave" as well. Some guy in a '60's Ford truck waved at me :lol:. I guess after they are 40+ years old, the Ford/Chevy brand rivalry kinda diminishes. :confused:


For Subaru's - only the Brat's get the wave typically. Or of course I've had some ladies (in the loosest sense of the term) hang out the window of their Jeep to "approve" of my lifted EA81 wagon. :)



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