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air suction valve

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so i did the quarter trick and now its really messed up. almost like the exaust is coming up threw the carb and also it sounds like theres an vacume leak coming out of my exaust and it has no power. soo im thinking maybe my cat is plugged. heres some pics of my asv. i was pretty amazed about what ever happend to it. anyways any ideas what the heck is going on? im about to cut the cat off.:lol:



Edited by WheaT_BeeR_MaN
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so i did the quarter trick and now its really messed up. almost like the exaust is coming up threw the carb and also it sounds like theres an vacume leak coming out of my exaust and it has no power. soo im thinking maybe my cat is plugged. heres some pics of my asv. i was pretty amazed about what ever happend to it. anyways any ideas what the heck is going on? im about to cut the cat off.:lol:



I don't have the answer for why but i have several of these parts , do you want another one? 15. delivered in lower 48. i can't test it but it was from a running motor, i can open it to see inside first. i see it is completely destroyed, and i bet that vac port leaks. if you keep the quarter, block the vac line, and perhaps any other lines to the egr system, the system is still telling the egr valve to open and close as usual. the quarter just blocks the exhaust gasses from getting out, but when the egr valve is open you might be getting a bad air leak, just my thought.


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thanks but i dont want to replace anything on the car if i dont need it. what i did read though browsing threw some threads was my car could maybe have 2 asv's? so when i get home im going to check it out. im hoping some one will know exactly what is wrong. the car idles fine but when gas it that theres a bunch of back pressure or something and no power.

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There should be 2 ASV's (maybe - but probably.... depends on CA emissions or not).


The best way to fix this is to block the pipe's at the heads. What you can do is remove the pipe from the car, and then hacksaw off the end that connects to the spacer under the head - leave about 2" of pipe. Then you hammer the end of the pipe closed - just pinch it off flat. Hammer it hard enough and you won't even have to weld it. Though I usually hammer it and then run a weld bead across the pinch just to insure it's totally closed off. A small leak from that location will not be a big deal though so if you don't have a welder don't sweat it.


You might have sucked parts of the melted plastic silencer into the carb as well - so you might have to tear the carb apart and remove all the junk in it.


The cat is probably not an issue. If it wasn't clogged before it's likely not clogged now. The ASV failure would not have affected it.



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well i figuired it out. the failure of the asv and the reason it looked so bad was because of a clogged cat. i banged on the cat trying to see if anything losens up and it did for a second, it got real loud. so i put a knotch in it "exaust leak" so i could drive it to get it fixed.i didnt want to drive around with straight pipes. so this weekend should be fun cutting and welding new pipes.

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  • 1 year later...
Has anyone ever figured out what the threads are on the pipe fitting on the head? I'll gladly cut & hammer shut as GD suggests, but a plug in there of the right size would be nice too.


The problem with a plug is that it would have to have the proper flange to seal against the tubing flange inside the spacer under the head. The threads don't do the sealing - it's the flared end of the tube *below* the threads that seals it. Such a specialized thing as a metric, flared tube male plug fitting is not likely to be sourced from any of the suppliers I am familair with. If you want something resembling a plug you will have to cut the last 1/2" off the tube - leaving the flare intact - and then weld the threaded fitting solid on the top using a washer, etc as a filler. Then grind it smooth.... I've done that before but it's a lot more work than just hammering the pipe flat and getting on with your life. I mean - it's hidden under the engine so does it really matter that much? :rolleyes:



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