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torque settings/rebuild info ea71

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Howdy guys,


I'm after all the main torque settings for an ea71 or a rebuild guide of some sort, i have done a search on here and in Google, but no luck, does anyone have this info handy or know where i can acquire it from.




Edit:think i found it...



Edited by stealth
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Before you go too far, get rid of the haynes manual -- about 80% of the info in them is correct, but the rest isn't.... Noticed quite a few discrepancies when I was rebuilding my old ea81. Find a copy of the FSM, only way you'll get reliable specs.

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Hrm I have an ea81 one but no ea71. There used to be a link somewhere on here to a whole lot of them but can't find it anymore...


I presume the manual that kiwi subbie is talking about is a subaru factory thing? If you use that in conjunction with haynes you should be sweet.

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