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AC Clutch Question

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I believe the AC compressor on my '88 GL locks up the pulley, which obviously locks up the belts.


my question is - is there any way to dis-engage the clutch completely without removing the entire AC compressor? I really don't care if i cant use the AC i just really don't want to remove the compressor all together. The problem is, i want to still be able to turn on the "chill" side of the vents so that i can get some outside air going. Retarded-sure, but i haven't been able to fix my exhaust leak and having the vents on is the only way i don't get a "street High" :rolleyes: and lately, its been locking it up more and more.


So.. Can i disable it from working?



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There is a micro switch down by the gas pedal that controls when the A/C kicks on and off. It's about a foot from the firewall on the righthand side, down by the gas pedal. You can clearly see it, it's not hidden. It's control by the physical levers moving the vents, so if you just unbolt the switch, you will effectively disable the AC. If you want to re-enable it, just put the switch back. It's a super simple system. I removed the switch, and added in a relay control by another switch on my dash so I can turn the AC on or off on any setting. Much better this way, and I really don't know why Subaru didn't it this way to begin with :rolleyes:

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That's good if you want to control it yourself, I've done that too to de-ice the windshield faster, but to disable it, it's so much easier to just unplug it.

Here's a generic pic of an AC compressor, see the wire going to the clutch? All AC compressors will have one, or two, just un plug it.



If the compressor is toast, you should be able to remove it and run a shorter belt. Just put plastic bags over the hose ends and tape or zip-tie them on to keep dirt from getting into the system.

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Hi. You can just unhook the little black ground wire on the top of the compressor mount right behind the pulley. It has a ring terminal that gets screwed to the mount. My Loyale still idles up a few hundred rpm for a few seconds but the a/c clutch doesn't engage. When you want it to work again put the screw back in it.

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