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I've got a 2009 Impreza with tire pressure sensors.


A friend borrowed it. The sensor light was on. I told her to fill the tires. She misread the inflation psi on the door frame and used 60psi in the tires instead of 33/32 psi, (the spare takes 60psi).


The sensor light came back on. She drove it for the weekend and thought I must have a leak or faulty sensors.


I got it back, realized what happened after buying a new gauge.


Do you think there's any permanent damage to the sensors or tires?

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I would be more worried she hit a pothole with 60psi in them, and maybe caused the rim to get tweaked.


Air down to normal recommended psi, and pay attentin to any shimmy/shakes when driving.

Most likely you will not find any issue. Bet the car road like a train/rollercoaster/skateboard over bumps

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lots of lerning in this thred.

If you want to be certain the tires have not been compromised, contact the manufacturer of your tires explaining this, providing exact tire size and model, style, mold #, they can confirm max psi on the tire without causing harm

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