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Headlight Problem on 1980 Subaru Brat

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ok so i own a 1980 Subaru Brat 1.6L 4x4. I have read alot about headlight issues on them and I have found myself in no ones shoes. I have power going through the Light switch fuse but no power on either Head upper or lower and no power at the actual lamps. I have read about the recall but my question is, if I have power at the light switch fuse what is the purpose of the recall? all the recall calls for is making a new fuse location off the fuse panel. Basically taking the wires off the back of the fuse panel and making an inline fuse.


If you have had the problem I am having can you help me? Ever since i bought the car the lights worked on and off occasionally, but now nothing at all. I did notice the heat problem with the recall though. The connector on the back of the fuse panel is melted a lil bit, just some plastic is deformed.



Also, another question. Does anyone know where I can buy a new speedometer cable? Mine broke about four inches up the cable from the transmission lol.




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I assume that the light switch makes a ground connection for the relay coils to turn on the headlight relays and may also make the connection to ground for the lights. Since you aren't even getting power to the lights then I assume the relays aren't turning on. The later version of headlights work in this manner so I am thinking it is that they work on your model also.

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I have an 82 brat and used to have headlight on off problem. I could have lows and not highs, and then nothing at all. It was a wire coming out of its connection, and was because of the working of the clutch pedal(I think). I had to trace the headlight back through all its connection and found this one on the drivers side, up to the left of the clutch pedal. It was one of the wires in a cluster plug-in, 6 or 8 wires, one or two were just able to slip off and barely make contact, and eventually be disconnected, although the plug-in still looked connected. I found it by just wiggling wire connections.

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  brat82 said:
I have an 82 brat and used to have headlight on off problem. I could have lows and not highs, and then nothing at all. It was a wire coming out of its connection, and was because of the working of the clutch pedal(I think). I had to trace the headlight back through all its connection and found this one on the drivers side, up to the left of the clutch pedal. It was one of the wires in a cluster plug-in, 6 or 8 wires, one or two were just able to slip off and barely make contact, and eventually be disconnected, although the plug-in still looked connected. I found it by just wiggling wire connections.


ya, i know what you are talking about. When i first bought the Brat i found that problem. Reconnected all the wires then it worked no prob for about a week. then it went back to the low only or none at all again. So now im sitting there scratching my head at what it could be lol. Im gunna start checking all the connections i can tomorrow.

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  zyewdall said:
I think this should be moved to the historic subaru section if it's an '80 brat. Might get better responses there.


well this forum claims 80's on the title( Older Generation of Subarus: 80's/XT/Loyales...):rolleyes:. figured it would be the best location for an 80 brat lol

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For all intents and purposes your brat is a Gen 1. The older gen forum is most specifically for Gen 2 and Gen 3 EA81, EA82 & ER27 cars. Don't worry it happens a lot when you aren't familiar with the board. If the Mods decide that this is the wrong forum they will tell you and move the thread.



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  Mykeys Toy said:
For all intents and purposes your brat is a Gen 1. The older gen forum is most specifically for Gen 2 and Gen 3 EA81, EA82 & ER27 cars. Don't worry it happens a lot when you aren't familiar with the board. If the Mods decide that this is the wrong forum they will tell you and move the thread.





oh, ok. Ya understandable.


and I have been looking around the brat for connectors or other things wrong but i can't seem to find much. At least nothing with the headlight wiring but i know something is wrong. If i am getting power at the Light switch fuse does that mean that the switch is good. maybe the switch is bad, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the switch out or how to get stuff out of the way, specifically the vent tubing.

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Fuses are usually the first thing in the power circuit to protect the whole circuit. The switch is after the fuse. The reconnecting the main harness connector at the firewall if you have there. There may be a faulty connection in it. I have heard of others solving this kind of trouble that way.

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couldn't find the connector at the firewall. but when i applied direct 12volt power source to the low beam or high beam the lights came on so im guessing that that connector is just fine. it also made me 100% sure its between the fuse for the light switch and the fuse for the high and low beam. but the only thing that could make both of those go out would be the switch. Also, the gauge cluster back lighting does not come on when i pull the light switch. So now im pretty sure that the switch is bad...



this is fun:grin:

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my 82 gl had the same problem, power to swith and fuses, but no lights. i just wired the lights straight to the switch. worked really well, headlights come on when you turn parking lights on, but thats better than no lights at all!! haha.


p.s. this wont burn your car up either, if it gets too hot it blows your acc. fuse. at least thats what mine did.

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  brat82 said:
I have an 82 brat and used to have headlight on off problem. I could have lows and not highs, and then nothing at all. It was a wire coming out of its connection, and was because of the working of the clutch pedal(I think). I had to trace the headlight back through all its connection and found this one on the drivers side, up to the left of the clutch pedal. It was one of the wires in a cluster plug-in, 6 or 8 wires, one or two were just able to slip off and barely make contact, and eventually be disconnected, although the plug-in still looked connected. I found it by just wiggling wire connections.


hehe wish I would have seen this before I rewired my "works only when the car is cold,.... sometimes" high beams.... :lol:

Oh well at least I'm running all new wire under there now and they work better than ever, I just didn't feel like tracing wires and I already had the wiring at the headlights relayed to straight battery power. Just gotta go reconnect the dashlight.


Still gonna check that plug you mentioned. :)

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  • 4 years later...

I am having the same problem with my brat right now. First to go out after I rolled it was the tail lights I have had one hell of a time finding the problem I just wired it to a relay bypassing the bad switch. Now my headlights went gotta do the same thing can't find a headlight switch to save my life. Would a 1978 switch work for a 80?

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