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New WI Suby owner!

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Congrats on getting a 1st gen Legacy, Much more solid car then the 2nd gen ('95-99)


You should meet up with us, any questions we can answer them :)


Ben, OMG you got the wrong idea brother. We ain't lame cause we aren't driving out to IA, Maybe later this year when/if you guys do something again :)



Edited by TheLoyale
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  TheLoyale said:
Congrats on getting a 1st gen Legacy, Much more solid car then the 2nd gen ('95-99)


You should meet up with us, any questions we can answer them :)


Ben, OMG you got the wrong idea brother. We ain't lame cause aren't driving out to IA, Maybe later this year when/if you guys do something again :)




yeah, if we cant answer them, we sure could troubleshoot them

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I am in Wausau right now.


-the crown vic wasn't a rust bucket at all just got sick of it being somewhat of a gas hog.


-ok i went and searched on google to find obd1 codes for my car and mine is throw 32. one site said egr code. this site says o2 sensor... which one is right? that sounds like a dumb question but i am just making sure.

Edited by dancindan85
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I forgot what the code is, but I doubt its the EGR. The EGR entires its cycle at about 1100RPM - how does it run if you free rev it or idle?


The O2 sensor would be my guess as they go from time to time, a new one from Carquest is about $30.



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Hey new Wisconsin members!! Yeah!! :banana: Welcome aboard!


Dancin dan - I gaurantee you code 32 is O2 sensor on the first gen Legacy - just went thru that with my 1990 Legacy wagon not even 2-3 weeks ago! (btw - I am only about an hour from you - a little southwest of Abbotsford - so if you need any help, just yell!)


You can get a perfectly good replacement from Advance Auto for under $100 - go to thier website - print out the part page with the price (get the direct fit replacement one - NOT the "easy fit" one that requires you to splice the plug on - should be $89.99) then go to your local store to get it (may need to order, but it should be in the next day.)


you will need a 22mm offset box end wrench to get the old one out & new one in. Very easy job. :grin:

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  The Dude Abides said:
We have an iowa campout coming up in a couple weeks. Its short notice but its pretty fun time. Alot of the other wisconson folks are lame and dont want to make the drive. Either way, welcome aboard.


Wish I could go - But - :P cant afford to go much of anywhere these days - and besides, we have to move the other half's folks that weekend. :-\


So, call me lame if you must, but responsibilities take priority...


Hope you guys have a GREAT time tho. :D

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  heartless said:
Wish I could go - But - :P cant afford to go much of anywhere these days - and besides, we have to move the other half's folks that weekend. :-\


So, call me lame if you must, but responsibilities take priority...


Hope you guys have a GREAT time tho. :D


I wasnt calling you lame miss, just the other wisconson young bucks who said they would go for a long time but then either tore there car apart or just got to lazy to make the drive. Your all still ok in my book though.:grin:

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  The Dude Abides said:
I wasnt calling you lame miss, just the other wisconson young bucks who said they would go for a long time but then either tore there car apart or just got to lazy to make the drive. Your all still ok in my book though.:grin:


Aww, thanks Ben! :grin: you're pretty Ok yourself!

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Ben says "Blah blah blah ba blah" :lol:


Your still cool in my book though too :banana:


  The Dude Abides said:
I wasnt calling you lame miss, just the other wisconson young bucks who said they would go for a long time but then either tore there car apart or just got to lazy to make the drive. Your all still ok in my book though.:grin:
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wow, sorry for wanting to drive in the rain and NOT get my rusty ************ box wet.:lol:

i honestly dont care about the drive and would love to come yet, but since my cycle accident last thursday im pretty useless and cant fix my ************ for the time being anyways.



oh.. you ever get a quote on those wheels to ship?

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  The Dude Abides said:
No because im a lazy a**. Im sorry i need to get on that. Proballyl a billion dollars.


only a billion? haha. if you can get me an approximate weight of one of the wheels, i could probably get a good estimate thru my companys shipping site.


too bad there isnt a flat rate shipping box from usps theyd fit in.:lol:

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