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Help! Need to wire a push button 5-speed to an auto loyale


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Yep, did the swap without a D/L cause auto crapped out before one was available. That said, There are 3 wires coming out of the button on the 5 speed but only 2 from the switch on the auto. Whats the story? How do I make pound this square peg into a round hole?

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I did this conversion on my 89 GL. It had a 4eat originally, so I had to run a power wire to the switch. In you're case, one of the wires there from the auto pushbutton has power. That one should go to the common wire in the 5spd switch. This is the power supply that will be switched to the solenoids.


For the other two, rather than try to reuse the old wiring, I ran a piece of good quality, copper speaker wire (16g?) from the switch to the 4wd swithing solenoids. this give you you're two leads in a neat and tidy way.


The way it works is that power is always flowing from the switch to one of the two solenoid. once you have it wired in, it will be obvious if you have the wires reversed, you'll be in 4wd when you should be in 2wd and vice versa. If so, you don't have to rewire.......simply swap the vac lines that activate the diagphrahm @ the solenoids.

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