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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

howdy rubasu fans!

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i hail from leavenworth (worthleaven buahaha) washington, and let's just say this is subaru territory, i own an 87 gl 2door hatch and am lovin every minute of it! i even love it so much that i went to the subaru dealership and spent $15 on a subaru hat! and i don't spend that much on hats EVER! even if it has a bottle opener! but i just figured i'd join a site with suby fans who're more die hard than myself. who knows? maybe i'll be able to contact the so called "subaru guru" who lives somewhere in my valley. a wise man once told me "you must seek out the guru of the subaru so that peace shall accompany you during your ascent to the top of the mountain" so i have made it my destiny to acquire as much knowledge and wisdom as possible... and to dance like this guy ---> :banana:

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