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1- 1995 EJ22... does it have an automatic belt tensioner, or do I need to make precise adjustments after replacement of the drive belt?


2- Short of putting a new belt on, is there ANY way I can test to see if my a/c compressor is still functional? I ask because when I got the car, the belt had been taken off, and the guy never gave me a reason why.


3- Will my car be r134a refrigerant compliant?


I just don't feel like messing with replacing the compressor if I absolutely don't have to.




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1. There are two belts, and each must be adjusted manually. If done properly you won't have to touch it for 20k miles until it's time to replace it.


2. You can spin the clutch hub on the front of the compressor, (not the pulley, the part with the three bars going across it) if it spins easily the compressor is probably OK but it's impossible to say until you can hear it run. You should also make sure the pulley spins freely. Some dragging noise will be heard because of the tolerance between the clutch and pulley, and is normal. If the pulley does not spin freely o does not spin without also spinning the compressor hub then the compressor will likely need to be replaced.


3. R134A was mandated for all vehicles sold in the US in 1994, so your ac system is designed to use it.


There are plenty of reasons why the AC system

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Looks like Fairtax was cut off. happens. He's very logical and what he possibly meant to complete was that there are Reasons why that belt remained off. That is you must look closely at all the hoses and connections dealing with the Ac. Look for cracks and look for oil. If a bearing went out in the compressor or it lost its charge then it is natural to not have that belt spinning. So somebody who knows can check the system pressure and then get back to here.:banana:

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there is also the possibility the tensioner is bad. when i did my ej22 swap, the ternsioner on my new engine would not tighten up properly. something was loose or stripped, the bolt holding the pulley on i think. rather than figure it out i just used the one off my ej25.

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When I bought a car at a Goodwill auction, the belt driving the A/C compressor was missing. I simply replaced the belt to see if the A/C would operate. It didn't, the compressor was locked up. Suggest you replace the belt to see if your compressor will work.


Also, remove the cap to the low side port of the A/C. Depress the Schader valve a tiny bit to see if you can hear the hiss of refrigerant escaping from the system. This will instantly tell you if the system has any refrigerant remaining in the system. If no hissing sound, then you will know that all refrigerant has leaked out.

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  Fuzpile said:
Looks like Fairtax was cut off.


:lol: No, I was tired and turned away for a few seconds, then forgot to finish what I was typing before I hit post. :o


But yes, what I was about to say was to the point of there are umpteen reasons for the AC not to work. Some basic checks can be done, prior to blaming the compressor itself, that will help determine why it stopped working, (IF it really stopped working), and what can be done to repair it. Who knows the belt may have just broken and the person didn't feel like replacing it.


Check the compressor to see if it moves freely first. If it does throw a belt on it and fire it up. If the compressor doesn't engage, it may need a recharge or just something dumb like a relay or switch.

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Hey guys, thanks for the help! Everything is now working beautifully.


I knew for a fact that the compressor would have to be the issue, just because of the way it had been disconnected. I only asked because I thought, maybe by the grace of god, it might be something else. The clutch on my compressor was completely locked, so I just took it from there. I found out later that my car was also missing an entire pulley, the arm that holds the pulley, and that my car had a bolt broken off in the block that held said arm and pulley.


After lots of struggle and strife, I finally got everything up and working. :banana:

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  Olnick said:
Does that mean you got the a/c going?


Yes sir!


It's been a long time since I've had working a/c. It will make me much more comfortable and happy on my trip to Canada.

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  Arty said:
Yes sir!


It's been a long time since I've had working a/c. It will make me much more comfortable and happy on my trip to Canada.


I would normally say, Why the hell would you need AC in Canada? But I saw some of the current temps in southern Canada posted on weather.com during that huge heat wave last week, and it wasn't any cooler there than it was here in VA. :eek:

Glad to hear you get it fixed.

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  Fairtax4me said:
I would normally say, Why the hell would you need AC in Canada? But I saw some of the current temps in southern Canada posted on weather.com during that huge heat wave last week, and it wasn't any cooler there than it was here in VA. :eek:

Glad to hear you get it fixed.


I really just wanted the luxury, to be very honest. I get tired of driving with my windows down all the time. It was SO great to just keep them up and freeze my family half to death in my car. It's not too terribly hot here right now. In fact, it's pretty cool, at least compared to home.

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