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So my sister has '00 Lego GT with the EJ2.5, Automatic.


the problem she is having is it likes to stall out on turns. Not always not real pattern just occasionally it likes to do it.


It was throwing a CEL pointing to MAP Sensor, replaced it thought it was hinky dory THEN now its doing this. I did a bit of searching and read up on somthing about the MAF sensor was courious as to how it would affect the performance of the engine on turns.


Any ideas?


When it stalls out it doesnt always throw a CEL. The light also goes off before i get a chance to plug it in and check it. and it doesnt always stay on. Does the old-school method work on these cars on pulling the code? (plugging in connectors under the dash?)






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This car has no MAF sensor they got rid of them on the phase 2 engines. Could be a vacuum leak or a failing Idle Air Control. Could also be the MAP sensor you just put in. If it was anything but OEM it could be bad out of the box....autozone=cheap Chinese electronics.

Does it ever stall at stop signs?

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talked to my buddy about the car and we are thinking about trying OEM on the MAP sensor. He did replace it with checker auto special few months ago and that's when it started doing this.


about 6 months ago she had a CEL for the map sensor failing.. he cleaned it, put it back in and it was fine. it did it again replaced it and now this.


also, its doing a CEL Po107 saying low input voltage. so we are hoping replacing it might fix it..


edit: replacing it with OEM MAP sensor.



Edited by crazyman03
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