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air flow??

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hey all ,my gl10 turbowagon, was acting up, not idling, hesitating, and ive tracked it down the air flow meter thing thats on the air box. (that it??) well anyway, it idles great with it off,


will it affect it running it without it?? ive already posted for a new one in the marketplace, but if it wont hurt, i wont buy.


thanks all




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I did not see a year. if its 87 or later you may be able to clean it and recheck. you are puting the car in a limp mode without the airflow meter. It also could be a leak in the intake pluming. if air gets around the air flow meter and into the motor it will run like crap. what are you testing it with? and how?

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well its an 86, second, the "cap" or black cover part on top of it looks as if its been taken off (i dont think it should have been) and well it was siliconed back on, second, while its running, or when it did run, i could wiggle the wires (plug) and it would jump and bog down. now if i plug it in, and start it, it will sound good for a second or so, and then it will bog down and eventually die. right before it does die though, i pull out the plug and it begins purring again, no probs.


im not using any electrical gadget gizmo things, (unfortunately, but either the plug or whole assembly is shot. whadya think?


without ihe plug in, it would limp and bog when driving but with it in it wont idle, the responce sucks, and im pretty sure that it doesnt run to full potential with the pooey one thats in now.

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