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Widen 1990 subaru legacy wagon


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General Question: I would like to know a few options for widening my subaru after lift.


Summary: My father has a junk yard, all of his friends have junk yards. I plan on going out and getting some 97 outback suspension parts fairly easy to do the lifting of my subaru. A quick run through the tire section I should find some fairly decent matches just it seems too top heavy and damaging on the cv's to lift it up.


My grandfather was a CNC prophessor for 30 years and my father is master welder, so I can do this the hard way. Which would be getting new axels, or custom make axels and then lengthen the a-arm accordingly. Along with some restructering. And lengthening and restructering of other components.


But I want to know if there is any easier way of doing it. Can I take the whole suspension axels and all off another year of subaru and just bolt them down?


I dont want mass widening just about 4" or so on both sides front and back. Has any body taken this task on yet?

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There are no Subaru's that are enough wider than your '90 to make any real difference in the width. The differences from the Legacy on up are a matter of fractions of an inch if anything. Not enough to bother with.


You'll have to do it the hard way - the suspension components aren't the hard part - that's just machining and welding. The hard part is going to be figureing out something to replace the struts - they aren't going to cut it for the kind of travel you are talking about.



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I dont want mass widening just about 4" or so on both sides front and back.


I'd say 8" wider is a pretty massive jump.


As for CV's and topheavy.......pshaaawww.......


I say do a cheap lift and get a deeper offset rim.


And then wait at the bottom of the trails you are too wide to go up.:grin:


seriously, though give it a shot....love to see it. perhaps with some nitrogen shockes adn longer arms you could make it a good dune jumper.

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Yea mudding isn't really my main priority. I want something that looks hot and is dune ready.


I'm definitely going to have to get some better struts. I'm going to have to change there top angle and mounting. I was going to tie the strut mount to a roll cage and reinforce it like that.


I want the baja bug version of a subaru.


Thanks for the responses guys, doesn't seem like a lot of people have done this mod, I guess Ill have to document it well and get people into it.


Thanks again.

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