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92 loyale white smoke

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White smoke from exhaust when I give her gas, not on idle(strange?). was having problems making her hold an idle so I replaced the pcv valve and air filter(the previous was covered in oil from an oil leak) and cleaned out the throttle w/ carb cleaner. She idled on start up and I drove around the parking lot for a little bit, when I tried to accel up to 45 I started billowing white smoke. Please help.

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white smoke is 95% of the time is a blown headgasket, if not a intake manifold gasket leak.


check for coolant in the oil

murky coolant,

loss of compression

bubbling in the coolant reservoir while running

loss of coolant

sweet smell by the exhaust


other 5%


water in fuel lines/tank

poor quality fuel

cracked block/head

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Phew! I feel really retarded but I fall into that fortunate 5%. After I had finished working on my car for the idle problem I topped off the oil, in my excitement to be roadworthy again I overfilled the oil by as much as 2 quarts. Sorry to post a false positive.

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