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Disty recurve numbers

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400-800 0 0

500-100 1 1

750-1500 2 4

1000-2000 3 7.5

1250-2500 4.5 10

1500-3000 7 11

1750-3500 9 12

2000-4000 11 13 All In

2250-4500 13

2500-5000 15

6000 17 All In



I honestly don't know what all this means but i'm assuming its full advance sooner, which means more torque, i don't have a stock disty to compare it too but when the engine gets here and its installed i'll let everyone know how she runs, and will hopefully have pictures

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Yeah like i said, i don't understand it all, but it would seem that when it has no vacuume its on full advance, so if the hose is left off it has too much timing, but with the new curve it lets go much sooner as to give it full advance sooner. at least thats my impression, i think i'm gonna call them up on monday and figure out what it means.

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