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New York State Inspection.

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The justy is getting close to being on the road. I have been trying to research this and getting mixed results. On pre-1996 (obd-1) and older cars do they still do emission testing on them? From what I have read they do not go on the dyno, but i am not sure if they do tailpipe or not (downstate).


I have to decide between rebuilding the carb or buying a rebuild.




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Hi nipper. Pre 96 I think you don't need the high enhanced emissions test. But since you're near NYC they often have stricter requirements than the rest of the state. Let me look up the link that explains it based on your city/county, I know I've seen it before.


If you scroll down about half way on this link it talks about it: http://www.nydmv.state.ny.us/broch/c-50.htm

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Ok that means i can get away with rebuilding it I think. I have to look at it harder since I can one rebuilt for 244.00 It sounds like a lot but there are times it has saved me from pulling my hair out.


Once it fires up I will decide. tailpipe idle test is an easy test for a justy in NY.

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And if there are any problems with it passing the tailpipe sniff test there are a lot of tricks out there, such as running a number of bottles of isopropyl drygas in say 1/8 tank of gasoline since the alcohol burns cleaner, make sure vehicle is fully warmed up before arriving at the shop and leave it running while waiting for the test, etc.

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If Calif. is doing it, you can bet NY wants to do it too. I think we in NY are trying to outdo Calif. laws like some twisted version of keeping up with the Jonses.



Actually no since it requires so much money to do. NY is taking the sane step of letting cars age out. CA is a car mecca so they have so many conversions and older cars, they had no choice. Even importing a car from another state is a ritual.

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