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blinkers stay on.

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So ever since I pulled my steering wheel off and put on a different one my blinkers don't turn off by themselves like they're supposed to. I didn't do anything stupid pulling it off like hammering on it, I used a puller. So I don't see what I've done wrong. I spent the past week trying to figure it out, but I give up....


What have I done and how do I fix it?



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are the lights staying on steady, or actually blinking?


You sure you didn't flip the switch on top of the steering column? :brow:

The switch is for the corner lights, not the blinky ones. And an interesting side note, when that switch breaks it makes it so that your parking lights never come on and makes you get pulled over at 1AM because there are no lights on the back of your car.





That makes me feel a little stupid, but at least I didn't break anything.

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