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access to manual tranny dipstick

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I looked in my manual for '97 OBW and it shows the dipstick for the 5 speed manual directly on top of the tranny. What is the bes way to access this? it looks as if one would have to do it from under the car? what's the best way to drain and replace the fluid?



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Originally posted by tracedog67

I looked in my manual for '97 OBW and it shows the dipstick for the 5 speed manual directly on top of the tranny. What is the bes way to access this? it looks as if one would have to do it from under the car? what's the best way to drain and replace the fluid?




It's easily accessed from the engine compartment. To drain, remove the dipstick and drain plug. To fill, use a long, slender funnel that'll fit in the dip stick tube. As far as lubricants go, you'll be safe with the OEM stuff. Perhaps others will comment on their experiences with other brands. I'm considering Mobil1 75W90, but I worry that it might lubricate _too_ well for proper syncro. operation.

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You drain the tranny from underneath the car, there's a large drain plug at the front of the tranny.


The dipstick is accessible from above the car, it's in the back of the engine bay on the passenger side of the transmission.


And do a search about tranny gear oil and synchros, it's been discussed very hotly around here in dozens of threads...

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Originally posted by subyluvr2212

And do a search about tranny gear oil and synchros, it's been discussed very hotly around here in dozens of threads...


Oh yeah?!?!?!? My MOTHER has FORGOTTEN more about TRANSMISSIONS & GEAR OIL than you could EVER learn!


er...oops....sorry, wrong thread :o:D:o

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