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Hi to all, I have a 2001 LL Bean Outback with the 3.0 engine. In the fuse box behind the battery there is an empty slot marked "FWD". If you insert a fuse into this position an icon on the dash ( FWD) lights to indicate that you are in front wheel drive. This tip was passed on to me by a Sabaru mechanic. There is no need for AWD here for 6 months out of the year. I'm wondering if this mod will improve fuel economy and tire wear? Does anyone have any expierence with this mod? Thanks Ralph

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Hello and welcome to the board! That's a nice Subaru you have. No, putting the FWD fuse in will not improve fuel economy. Why? Because you still have the friction and windage of the rear drive shafts, rear differential, propeller shaft, etc. Even with the FWD fuse in, those items are all still going to generate friction and windage losses and the weight of lugging them around. Also the handling of the vehicle can be different in an emergency manuever when in FWD mode. So if on rain or something there might be benefit of the AWD in a slippary turn but with the FWD fuse in it will be lost.


What that FWD fuse is actually for, is if you get a flat and are running the spare tire. Then that fuse should be installed (because if the tires do not all match within 1/4" circumference as measured by a tape it can cause premature AWD wear at the least and damage at the worst).

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There is plenty of info about the FWD fuse here.

The simple answer is don't leave that fuse in.

That fuse turns on a solenoid in the transmission which controls line pressure to the AWD clutch packs in the center transfer unit. Leaving the fuse in place delivers a full 12V to the solenoid (which is normally on getting 5 -7V ) which can cause the solenoid to burn out and cause the AWD clutches to permanently engage.


The AWD clutches are normally only partially engaged anyway. They engage fully when AWD is needed as detected by the traction control system.

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[...] I'm wondering if this mod will improve fuel economy and tire wear? [...]

As has already been stated, there's really no advantage and it may possibly lead to failure of the duty solenoid (the duty cycle does indeed go to 100% when the FWD fuse is inserted). The typical split of power is 90/10 front/rear (for the auto trans, which we're discussing) when the AWD system isn't detecting slippage.


Hmmm, WA2NTK -- 73 OM, CUL :)

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Really it goes to 100% duty cycle with the FWD fuse in? Interesting, good info I hadn't seen that before. Just that the solenoids were driven around 50Hz 5% to 95% duty cycle typically.

I believe so, but I'll admit to not having ever verified that with a scope. If anyone knows otherwise, please speak up.


I definitely have to modify something I said. While the earlier 4EATs did usually have 90/10 front/rear split, vehicles with VTD/VDC (might be starting in 2001) have more like 45/55. Using the FWD fuse on so-equipped cars would prevent the dynamic control from functioning.

Edited by OB99W
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I believe so, but I'll admit to not having ever verified that with a scope. If anyone knows otherwise, please speak up.


I definitely have to modify something I said. While the earlier 4EATs did usually have 90/10 front/rear split, vehicles with VTD/VDC (might be starting in 2001) have more like 45/55. Using the FWD fuse on so-equipped cars would prevent the dynamic control from functioning.


The beaners don't have the VTD/VDC.




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Hi to all, I have a 2001 LL Bean Outback with the 3.0 engine. In the fuse box behind the battery there is an empty slot marked "FWD". If you insert a fuse into this position an icon on the dash ( FWD) lights to indicate that you are in front wheel drive. This tip was passed on to me by a Sabaru mechanic. There is no need for AWD here for 6 months out of the year. I'm wondering if this mod will improve fuel economy and tire wear? Does anyone have any expierence with this mod? Thanks Ralph


Ralph, if that's horseheads NY, you mean it only snows half the year down south where you are?


Dave (Cortland NY)

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