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Give it up for heep70!

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I got my new plug wires on Friday and they are DOPE! However, I won't put them on until I get the new coil.

Now for the real point of this post, Heep70 rules!:headbang: He hooked abunch of us up with 8mm plug wires for a unbelivable price and in my case sent them befor I sent him the $. Greg, if you ever need positive feedback I've got your back!

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Its all a plot.. Them there Warshington boys is tryin to take over the subaru world.. First they sucker you in with good deals.. Then blam!! They have your subaru.. Be careful of those guys.. especially the ones in the bonney lake, buckley, sumner, orting area;)

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Heep70 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks man, those are some nice lookin' wires and I still can't believe the deal!!! Felt like I was rippin' you off paying so little. Also a big thanks to Qman for transfering the goods to me on Saturday. Sure appreciate you guys!

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Thanks guys, I was just passing on the savings. I run across good deals like that every once and a while.



calebz's Subaru is first on my bagging list. :brow:



By the way I have two more sets left. Unfortunately, someone had to back out. First one to post gets them. $16 + shipping. You guys ROCK :headbang: Cheers :drunk:

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calebz's Subaru is first on my bagging list.


See.. What'd I tell you ? :lol:


Greg, you may have parts from one of Caleb's cars already.


Chances are you do have parts from one of my cars.. everyone around there seems too..Ol' Rob supplied me with a good deal on a couple of TO bearing clips(free).. next thing I know he has not one, but TWO of my subarus in his yard!!:lol:


Seriously though, cool deal Greg. Its good to see more active/ useful new members on the board..And the guys up in that area are great soob people.. Even go so far as to say they are nice guys..Except Ken.. (I promised I wouldn't tell anyone he was a nice guy)

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