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04 Legwag: Rear sunroof sunshade stuck

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This has been a minor annoyance I have just dealt with, I don't cart people around often. But I figure the fall is coming and it's prime sunroof weather, both open and closed. The sunshade on the rear sunroof is locked to the sunroof. It moves when the sunroof moves. I'd like to have it back to normal, light for rear passengers without the wind tunnel experience. I just am not certain about what it will take to repair. Will this require removal of the headliner or is it a fairly simple procedure? Thanks for any input!

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Funny, i modified mine to do just the opposite. i wanted to have the roof open with the shade closed (we have a large dog and the extra air flow when parked she lovesss)


it is not that difficult to get the sunshade off.. if you are fairly mechanically inclined.


I can email you the service bulletin that gives a step by step to removing it.

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