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Two 1988 RX Tech Questions


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I did some searching and I couldnt find what I was looking for. So here we go.


1. I need to change my two turbo coolant hoses. Anyone have a how to?


2. I keep seeing about the 5 lug XT hub swap... is there a how to/parts list for that?


Thanks in advance, that damn search limit kicked my butt, I couldnt put the #5 in!!:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by svxpert

hey, we met at the first Reading meet. I had the Siver SVX, back then i think you lived in Marlton. If your off tomorrow (tues) i'm only like 10 min from you and we can talk about what you need. I have to go up to SOA so i could hit you on the way. I have a 5 lug RX too. mail me at: subarueast@yahoo.com



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1. I need to change my two turbo coolant hoses. Anyone have a how to?


I've always removed the turbo its self to do the job. You can replace the hoses with the OEM ones, which woudl be HIGHLY recommended, or try what Pleiades did...he got some braided stainless steel line, and used it for the lower hose. Used some fiberglass sheilding stuff as the heat sheild.


2. I keep seeing about the 5 lug XT hub swap... is there a how to/parts list for that?



For starters.

A while back, i took on a project, to gather the parts for a full 5 lug swap, and this was the parts list:


Front axles (XT6, 4WD) 2

Front Knuckles (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Lower Swing Arms (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Ball Joint (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Tie Rod Ends (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Front Backing Plate (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Front Hub (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Front Disc (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Front Caliper with carrier (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Front Strut (XT6, 2WD) R & L

Front Brake Lines (XT6, 4WD) R & L


For the rear


Rear Hub (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Rear Disc (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Rear Caliper and carrier (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Rear Backing Plate (XT6, 4WD) R & L

Rear Brake Lines (XT6, 4WD) R & L


Now, I am not the expert...there were some threads started, but because of some people's dumb reactions/answers/questions...the threads went...badly. Im sure a technical document needs to be created for the USRM, but Corky's site pretty much covers the basics.

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