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Findding TDC w/o DISTY

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I need to find TDC for cyl #1 using only the rocker-arms and pushrods - and of course the timing marks. First so I can install the distributor, then so I can adjust the rest of the valves before I drop the engine back in the car...


So you guys no, I'm not an idiot who took everything apart without marking - disty/cap/plugs were already pulled when I reached the car...


Quick responses are greatly appreciated btw - I want this puppy wrapped up! thanks in advance


- Erik Hosa - Tacoma, WA -

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well, i always end up making sure the #1 cylinder is up, with a pencel, or whatever, then i stick the disty in, where its almost pointing at the #1 plug wire. thats not the best way, but if you are off, you just gotta spin the motor over till #1 is at top again. trial and error is the slacker way =]


but if your valve covers are off, theres gotta be a better way. by looking at the rockers

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take out all spark plugs, that will make the engine turn over easier, then put your thumb or someone elses on cylinder one spark plug hole, when it sounds like a pfft, ie its compressing, thats TDC on the intake, turn it until the piston is as high as it can go and voila, also look at the rockers as a clue they should both be closed.

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This is exactly what I'm thinking (have it at correct TDC right now)


Piston is all the way up - at the dead-spot between exhaust and intake - which happens to be the '0' on the flywheel.


Should have been more specific to the question though

I also need to know if TDC for Cyl #1 is the same for Cyl#2 (it appears to be the same timing mark/place)


- Erik Hosa - Tacoma, WA -

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Originally posted by Bratwerst

Piston is all the way up - at the dead-spot between exhaust and intake - which happens to be the '0' on the flywheel.

Careful, there.

You want the TDC where neither rocker moves at all for at least 1/4 revolution either side of TDC. If you are at the TDC where moving the crank 10° either side of TDC moves a rocker, you're at TDC of the exhaust/intake stroke (wrong one for setting the distributor -- or alternatively, right one for setting it to point to No. 2 (180° out from No. 1)).

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thanks for all the replies guys - Feels good to know I was right in all my assumptions. Used the finger method in conjuction with the timing marks before I asked - but I'm always one to ask once, adjust twice, so it works the first time.


Also thanks to all your advice if I am a total idiot and do it wrong - I know where to switch the plug-wires to! :D


- Erik Hosa - Tacoma, WA -

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