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EA82T Which way does the coolant flow?


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I'm boosting the coolant flow with and electric pump on an EA82T engine and need to be sure that I set it up in the correct direction!


Can anyone tell me which way the coolant flows, which of the two pipes to the rad are in/out so to speak?


The engine isn't actually running right now so I cant just test it myself.


Thanks :)

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Coolant always come from the bottom of the rad > engine > top of rad. If you think about it, if it sucked coolant from the top of the rad, and you were just a little bit low the pump wouldn't get any coolant ... Just from a logistics standpoint it HAS to work that way on every car.

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Coolant always come from the bottom of the rad > engine > top of rad. If you think about it, if it sucked coolant from the top of the rad, and you were just a little bit low the pump wouldn't get any coolant ... Just from a logistics standpoint it HAS to work that way on every car.


I dont mean to start anything, but theres alot of high po engines, that have the coolant go into the head first, then into the block. Always check first.

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