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Continued horrible luck with EA82T

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I now officially agree that the EA82T is JUNK! I've owned mine since June and it is nothing but trouble. Drove the car 3 stinkin' miles and the car started running like garbage the last 3/4 mile. Parked it and popped the hood and saw something I couldn't believe, the turbo was cherry red hot!:mad:


I've noticed that the car runs great when cold, but once it heats up it runs like garbage. Not sure what it is at this point, but I quit with this thing. Luckily, I do have an EJ22 sitting and waiting, so that will be my focus over the winter. If any one has any ideas about why my car is acting this way, let me know for the sake of learning, but otherwise this car is PARKED until I can get the EJ in.

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Yeah, I'm guessing plugged cat or running really lean. It runs great when cold, but once warm it starts missing here and there. I've been having injector problems, but I'm not going to F with either one. Exhaust will be replaced when EJ is in, the engine will be sold and some one else can go through it if they want. I couldn't believe hot bright and hot that turbo was though, lucky I didn't burn it down!

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A redhot turbo doesnt mean it was running lean, it was running rich. It was dumping raw fuel into and it was cooking off in the turbo. Mine did the same thing when my rotor screw fell out and the timing went nuts. So if you say your having injector problems, it could be dumping to much fuel into the system.

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