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coil springs rates

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Does anyone know what they are rated for on EA81 cars 2wd, 4wd and Turbo. I can't seem to find anything on them anywhere including here.


If you're clever with your search terms, you'll be able to find those rates on here. I know because I found them on accident one time. Don't quote me on it, but I think monstaru posted them. I'd start by searching for posts by him and something about springs.



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Well I must not have been clever enough to find them, so here is my bump.


My wife talked to her dad about my plan and his answer scared the heck outta her so I have been forbidden from cutting the springs. Note to self quit telling wife my ideas until I have made a decision and done it.

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cutting springs is never a good idea, it changes the spring rate exponentially faster than you can lower the car.


Remember seeing all those "lowered" hondas bouncing along as if they were on solid mounts? yeah, those cars had their springs cut.

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Thanks Noah,

I think that I still would like to get a copy of thaose spring rates when you get home though just to save and have on hand.

I tried 4wd springs on the car and it put her nose in the air like a snob. but I like the way the car feels with those on. So I will probably give Carfreak a shout for his turbo springs and maybe the a few other things when I actually have money to give him.



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also, the struts are are length specific.


wagon 4x4 0 normal for wagon

sedan -1"

xt -2"


the strut length matters just as much as the spring rate. if your that obsessed, you could put some cheap sleeves on it from ebay. It works in a pinch but rides like rump roast.

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