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Weber issues?

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I've been having some trouble with my Weberized EA82 and can't seem to figure out exactly what the problem is... it runs great except for at a certain throttle opening. Just off idle is OK, but as soon as you open it up a bit more (1/4 throttle ish) it stumbles and runs really rough - almost to the point of quitting. But full or 3/4 throttle seems to be ok.


I would guess that it needs to be rejetted, except I had it running PERFECTLY not that long ago. I've had the carb apart on the car, blown out all the jets, idle circuit etc but no luck. No vac leaks that I can find either :confused:


Anybody have this problem before? Any help would be greatly appreciated

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaaand it turns out it wasn't the power valve. Still ran like crap, so tried removing valve and plugging its vac hole. Still ran like crap, so it seems that the power valve wasn't at fault.


Another interesting tidbit: when I open just the 38mm barrel it revs smoothly. So it has something to do with the 36... Might try changing out the jets in that one, unless there could be a vac leak on that barrel only?

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I've blown it out with carb cleaner several times now, but may as well try again.


The spray pattern definitely doesn't look consistent if you check down the barrel at part throttle, should it be an even spray? It's more like dripping than a mist. Full throttle looks even.

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Took apart the carb, swapped jets, cleaned out bleeds etc. and no change.


I did find the problem though, and it had nothing to do with the carb... Noticed that the coil was arcing, went through the ignition system. Turns out my disty was destroying itself from the inside out - the rotor had come mostly loose and started chewing everything up in there. I ghetto-rigged it back together, and everything runs smoothly!! Just gotta find myself a new disty.


Now on to that TOD...

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I've got to drive down to Burlington today and will probably be back up here around 4pm, if you're still around then I could stop by


Picked up a rotor at O'Reilley's this morning for all of $5, problem solved.

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