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Wheel bearing

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Maybe we can work something out for a trade. ;)


You help me around the shop - you learn some stuff - and I'll get you setup with wheel bearings or axles or whatever. I need my shed reorganized :grin:


What do you think? (yes I'm serious :)).




If I lived closer I'd take you up on that offer in a SECOND. And Storage reorganization is my Specialty. I just saved my wife's boss almost $1800/ year by combining her 2 storage units into one, and actually using the space in the one to it's Fullest (pun intended).

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Yeah - I end up with lots of spare parts from stuff - parted out cars, junk yard runs, etc, and my dad (he's retired) built a whole bunch of shelves in my shed from the leftover scrap of a garden "cottage" he built for my mom. And I have a whole bunch of those plastic tote containers I got at an estate sale for like $1 each. It just needs to be put together.....





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