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Brake Question...(are they important?)


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94 Loyale is the car.......

First question are brakes important? Discuss.


Secondly and on more serious note I rebooted one of my calipers and now am having quite the struggle in reseating the piston. I was able to get one of them back in with some pliers and a vice but no luck with the other. I went out and got an attachment for a rachet that is supposed to help turn the piston back in but about all it has done is tear up chip and strip the inner groove on the piston. My questions are...

Is there a better tool for this job?

Can I tear up the piston groove to a point where it becomes unsafe to use?

If the first piston went in fairly easy and this one is a serious struggle to turn 1/16th of a rotation should I just be replacing the whole caliper or maybe just the piston or maybe I need to clean the piston somehow?

I've done some searching here and can't seem to find quite the answers I'm looking for.......Sorry for the essay/thanks for reading.....

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There is no fluid in there at all but I'll give that a try.

If exerted an extreme amount of effort and patience and was willing to bloody all my knuckles in several places I believe I could get that piston back in there. My concern is that if it is that hard to get back in will it come back out. I've done this before without such problems.


As far the are brakes important question it was mostly just an attention grabber not meant to be too serious of an inquiry but if anyone has any intersting stories regarding brakes, opinions on them, theories, ideas for stopping without traditional brakes, feel free to let those thoughts be known.......

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The caliper kit did not come with a new ring and it seemed like the old ring was in fine shape so I was reusing it. It seemed to fit back in fine. I'm thinking that possibly I need to take the piston all the way out again and sand it down. I didn't notice any rust on it but I am replacing the boot because the boot was torn so some layer of gunk could have accumulated. It feels like I could really force that sucker back in there but I'm worried that is just going to create more of a problem in the future. I'm leaning towards a new caliper or a new caliper piston but thought someone here may have some suggestion or idea I hadn't thought of. Really what I'm wondering is if I can force that mother back on there does that mean it can some out again under normal use or could it be that I'm just jamming it on there under such force that it will stay stuck. I understand noone can say for sure I'm just looking for thoughts and exeperience.....Thanks....

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I've got the piston most of the way in with much damage to both the piston head and my knuckles.

I'm wondering if I can hook up my air compressor to the caliper to see if that piston will come back out. Is there any other way to test this out besides just hooking everything up and seeing if the brakes work or sieze up??

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