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2002 outback wagon 2.5 engine Timing belt replacement instructions & parts to replace

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Hello does anyone have timing belt replacement instructions with pictorials for an 2002 outback wagon 2.5 engine type: Ej251axbwl, model:bh9cy4r, vin:4s3bh665527641758 automatic. Also, in addition to the timing belt, what other parts should be changed?


Thank you,



Edited by gar52hpny
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All idlers

Water pump

Cam Seals

Main Seal

Re-seal Water pump

Accesory drive belt


PCV valve


Do an oil change afterwards just because.


Do a searhc here on timing belts


http://www.lovehorsepower.com/SubaruDocs/TimingWaterPump.htm 1995


http://www.subaruforester.org/vbulletin/f66/timing-belt-pump-change-14416/ forester but same engine

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Nipper, Thank you for your reply. Just to make sure that I am reading this right you are saying that this 95 Forester and my 2002 outback motor have the same timing belt installation instructions?


Also, what web site has the best Subaru origional equipment prices for these parts?


Thank you,



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Those links are for EJ22 engines--your is, I believe, a Phase 2 EJ25 SOHC.

Theory should be the same except for a few details (tensioner mounting, tooth count on the belt.)


Hopefully someone with EJ25 SOHC knowledge will chime in.


As for best price on parts, check a few web sites. Then call Jason, Parts Manager at Mike Scarff Subaru in Auburn WA--866-528-5282. Good guy, always seems to have the best prices. Mention USMB.


Good luck.

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you tube has a few. this one show how to line up the marks. but he compresses the tensioner to fast and not vertical like the manual says.

the DOHC has four cams to line up. the SOHC has two.






how many miles on your motor?

Edited by Tahoe Subaru
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Attached is PDF for engine overhaul. Page 18 starts the t belt replace data.

(oops, can't attach file. email me at ocei77@hotmail and I will forward)

Go to legacygt.com and search for vacation pix and you can get the entire set.


I purchaed my belt from RockAuto. A gates unit for $36.


Tip: After lining up marks, put the pulleys back as directed. the lower crank sprocket last. There is a bolt that goes through the crankcase halves in the perfect place to use a screwdriver to line up the bolt hole, so you won't go crazy with slipping marks etc.


Don't have too much fun.



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