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Hi folks,


as thread title says, the A/C on our 1995 Legacy doesn't put out any cold air. Unfortunately I don't really know what to look for/check to narrow the problem down.


As I am a noob when it comes to fixing this kinda stuff, I was hoping that there is a noob-proof way of at least pinpointing the problem and then go ask for help from more knowledgeable friends. Any ideas how I could proceed?



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99% of the time, the system just has a leak and has lost all it's refrigerant. You have a couple choices - charge it with a can of R134 - most of them have a stop-leak additive and that may work or at least it may be cold for a summer. Or replace all the o-rings in the system just on principle and then charge it - could still be a leaky evap core, etc but usually it's an o-ring problem, etc.



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If it were me, I would add a can or two of refrigerant to see if that fixes the problem. If it is a slow leak it may take a year or two, maybe more before more refrigerant needs to be added. It is an ez do it yourself project to add refrigerant. Just ask how, if you don't know how. We will be glad to advise how.

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There is a pressure sensor inline with one of the metal hoses. It will be a two wire sensor, un-plug the sensor and jump it with a paper clip with the car running and the AC on, it should kick on if there is no other problem except for low refrigerant.



If you add cans be aware that you keep adding lubricant, but it doesn't drain out, which means if you add too many, or too much you'll hydrolock the compressor. If you have to add more than one, and you need the AC that bad get it fixed professionally.

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