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Bring the Boxer Diesel to the US!

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Want Subaru to bring their diesels (which are widely available in EU, NZ, AU, etc) to the US?


There's a Facebook page that already has over 1,300 members. It is supposedly monitored by Subaru, so the more members, the better!




So, if you're on Facebook, and want a diesel (I do!) please check it out.





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... available in EU, NZ, AU, etc ...


Latin American Domestic Market (LADM) Also: ... :banana:... we have it!






I Believe that the Only thing which Stops Subaru to take those Diesel Boxers to the USA Market, is the Emmissions Laws against air Pollution... 


But I Think that Subaru Must be Workin' in Something to fix That... Or those will Remain Outside USA like the Carbureted EJ Engines and the EJ Dual Range Transmissions we have?


Kind Regards.

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
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My understanding is they simply think that diesels won't sell here; that people are too stuck on using gas engines (something I very much disagree with -- everyone I know that has a diesel loves them).


I'm glad to hear they're available in Latin America!



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Latin America Too ... :banana:... we have it!

I Believe that the Only thing which Stops Subaru to take those Diesel Boxers to the USA Market, is the Emmissions Laws against air Pollution...

But I Think that Subaru Must be Workin' in Something to fix That... Or those will Remain Outside USA like the Carbureted EJ Engines and the EJ Dual Range Transmissions we have?

Kind Regards.


Are they dual range trannys auto?

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You Mean Dual Range Automatics? ... I haven't seen them in Person, but as Far as I Know, they Existed on the GT and RX-II Models of the EA82.

Here in my Country, around 85% of Cars are Manuals, here people don't like too much automatics ... almost All the Automatics here came from the USA.


... like the Carbureted EJ Engines and the EJ Dual Range Transmissions we have...

See this Thread for More info:

~► http://http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/98480-need-advice-legacy-wagon/

Kind Regards.

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
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I Posted in This Thread about the New Subies:


in Post Nº 24, This:



Well... the Diesel Impreza came to Latin America, But... is Not Named Impreza!!! :eek:


Meet, the Subaru XV:




More information here: http://www.subaruxv.cl/ (in Spanish)


You can Download the Catalog in .pdf Format, here:


~► http://www.mediafire.com/?tp7eyf37099lysl


Kind Regards.

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
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I Believe that the Only thing which Stops Subaru to take those Diesel Boxers to the USA Market, is the Emmissions Laws against air Pollution...

But I Think that Subaru Must be Workin' in Something to fix That... Or those will Remain Outside USA like the Carbureted EJ Engines and the EJ Dual Range Transmissions we have?

Not entirely. Ultra Low Sulfur Highway Diesel fuel (required for all highway use since Jan. 2007) pretty much passes emissions tests on its own. (except in CA.) Add a high efficiency catalytic converter to the mix (also required on all 2007 and later diesel vehicles) and new diesel engine cars are more eco friendly than most hybrids. :)

They just don't sell as well here in the US because drivers want the quicker response of gasoline power.

Jeep tried the diesel thing a few years back, ditched it pretty quick. BUT, I blame that on using the wrong platform. I think it would have done very well in a Wrangler, and as far as I know they only ever offered it in the Liberty, which was a poor seller to begin with.

People also think tick clatter clack when they think of diesel engines. New fuel management and noise suppression technology have greatly reduced the amount of noise created by diesel engines. Some so much that you almost wouldn't know the difference between it and a gas engine from inside the car.


/\/\ thats retarded!! diesel is a by-product of making gasoline therefore it should NEVER cost more than gas. capitalism irks me

It is, but the amount of diesel oil that you get from a barrel of crude is far less than the amount of gasoline.

Diesel for highway use is much more refined these days due to environmental laws, which adds to the cost of producing it.

Add to that the MUCH greater non-highway demand for diesel fuel. Construction equipment, farm equipment, home and industrial generators, trains, most large ships/boats use diesel, the list goes on. Then you can start to see why diesel costs as much as it does.

That doesn't mean the oil companies aren't digging into your pocket when you buy fuel, but there are other causes you need to blame as well.

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You Mean Automatics? ... I Didn't see Automatics (at least in Person) but Manuals, Yes.

Here in my Country, around 85% of Cars are Manuals, here people don't like too much automatics 'cos we are in a extreme Mountany Country; even Cities trend to have Huge Hills; almost All the Automatics here came from the USA.



See this Thread for More info:




Kind Regards.

Yeah im not a big fan of auto either but a lot of city people here in the states would love an auto suby if it had dual range.

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I work on a lot of SUbaru's and drive a VW TDI (diesel) as my daily driver. I'd LOVE to see a Subaru diesel.


Neither VW or Audi has a 4 motion/AWD in a diesel without getting a SUV. I don't want a SUV for daily driving.


A Subaru diesel would be perfect. I gotta believe there is a market for a decent priced, simple AWD diesel car.


Then the possible disucssions about probably only coming in automatics can be the topic of dicussion. Man, I hope we get to the point about arguing over tranny's because a Diesel Subaru is coming.

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What i gotta wonder is if there will ever be any performance parts for it available. i know that when building this motor subaru mainly had reliability, balance, and fuel economy in mind but it would be interesting to find out how well one of those could be built up into a high horsepower tuner. I know it sounds weird but diesel racing is strongly catching on.

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Well... Not Tryin' to Hijact the Thread but Sharing information:

Pretty sure they did, just not recently.


Yes they Did, but only in the Subarus with EA Engines... the Last one was the "Loyale" (Subaru Leone 3rd Gen) its Production ended in 1994.

As Far as I have investigated and Readed, those EA82 Engined Subaru came with Nine
(yes, 9) Different Possibilities of Transmission Versions all over the world :) :

- 5 speed Manual FWD

- 5 speed Manual FWD with Push-Button 4WD

   (Red button on the Lever gets you in 4WD; not available in the Wagon versions)

- 5 speed Manual FWD with Dual Range
   (An extra Lever get's you into 4WD HI and 4WD LO; only in Wagon versions)

- 5 speed Manual AWD with Central-Difflock
   (permanent AWD, only in the Turbo version in 1988 and 1989)

- 3 speed Automatic FWD

- 3 speed Automatic FWD with Push-Button 4WD

   (Button on the Lever; No Wagon versions)

- 3 speed Automatic FWD with Dual Range
   (Extra Lever for HI and LO; Only in the Wagon versions)

- 4 speed Automatic AWD with Central-Difflock
   (Turbo, except the Wagon Version, only 1988 and 1989)

- 4 speed Automatic AWD with Central-Difflock AND Dual range
   (only on Turbo Wagons in 1988 and 1989)

For More information, Visit This Thread: ~► Here.

Kind Regards.

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
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The only reason diesel cost more than regular gas is because it's taxed differently. That's it. It's cheaper to buy, but it's more heavily taxed because of the trucking industry. They tax diesel more because the VAST majority of vehicles that use diesel are trucks, and just by nature trucks do more damage to the roads and add more pollution because of the sheer amount of miles driven by truck drivers. So therefore the states will tax diesel more to make up those costs. Also because of state lines and the very nature of truck driving and crossing those state lines, it means that states need to be able to collect money from those trucks running on their roads, and the only way to do that is by taxing the fuel they buy in that state. Normally states just charge a tax on vehicle registration once a year, and that money is suppose to go to the cost of maintaining the roads, but trucks travel though states all the time that they are not registered in, so the only real way to get any money out of those trucks is to tax the fuel they buy, and hence a higher diesel price.


I for one would pay more for diesel for the added MPG's you get with the diesel motor, it wouldn't even phase me one bit :D


Also the boxer diesel passes Euro 5 emissions, so I think it should do just fine in the states. California might be the only exception, but when has california not been the exception to just about every rule? :rolleyes::lol:

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- 4 speed Automatic AWD with Central-Difflock

(Turbo, except the Wagon Version, only 1988 and 1989)


- 4 speed Automatic AWD with Central-Difflock AND Dual range

(only on Turbo Wagons in 1988 and 1989)


Your dates are a little off on these, and there is no "Central Difflock" in the 4EAT auto trans. The "Central Diff" that you mention is actually called a MPT (Multi Pressure Transfer) clutch, and you can not "lock" it, at least not from the factory. It's not the same as a "Center Diff" in the AWD 5MT trans fround in the RX, it's completely different and controlled completely by the computer with no interaction from the driver. You can "mod" it to essentially create a "Diff Lock", but it can possibly cause more wear on the trans...


And they stopped putting the 4EAT into the loyales in 1990, not 1989. Subaru realized that it was the same trans that they put into the legacy and they wanted the legacy to sell better, so they neutered the Loyale and removed the 4EAT option in 1991 and only offered the 4EAT in the legacy from that point on until the introduction of the impreza in 1993, I believe.


I got a 1990 Turbo Loyale Wagon w/a 4EAT sitting in my garage right now :D


There is a dual range version of the 4EAT? I really want to see this! I don't think that this is possible to even do, that's why I am asking about it. Auto transmissions are completely different and adding "dual range" to it make it WAY more complicated, complex, and more expensive. That and I have never heard of a dual range 4EAT, and I have done quite a bit of research on the 4EAT, several months in fact while doing my paddle shifters... So if you can find any links to it, that would be sweet! Also what cars was the dual range auto offered in?


Here's a good read on the differences between Subaru's AWD:




It's got all the info about the different transmissions and options that subaru has had over the years.


I just wanted to have the correct information posted, that's all. So if I am wrong, please correct me :)

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...There is a dual range version of the 4EAT? I really want to see this! ...

...I just wanted to have the correct information posted, that's all. So if I am wrong, please correct me :)

Very Respectfully let me Tell you that Another Member from another Country had Already Answered your Question:

In austria there were 2 different types of the 4EAT available.

A 4 speed automatic tranny single range and a 4 speed automatic tranny
with dual range and 100% lock differential in the middle.

I do not know if these 2 types were available in the US.


There's a Different Story Outside USA...

Kind Regards.

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
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Very Respectfully let me Tell you that Another Member from another Country had Already Answered your Question:


In austria there were 2 different types of the 4EAT available.


A 4 speed automatic tranny single range and a 4 speed automatic tranny

with dual range and 100% lock differential in the middle.


I do not know if these 2 types were available in the US.





There's a Different Story Outside USA...

Kind Regards.


That's fine that that is what is he said, but I would like links to prove this. In fact he didn't even have pictures of this transmission, and no one else chimed in to verify it did exist, so it makes me wonder... I have searched and found nothing. I can say that pigs fly outside my window at night, doesn't mean it actually happens ;) If you have any links to cars that have this transmission, or a PDF that has this information in it, a brochure, anything written down or from a reliable website would be great!


I understand that the US is different, but the internet isn't limited to searching within the US. I can't find any mention of this transmission at all, and like I said I spent months and many hours searching the net for info about the 4EAT, and not once have I seen a diagram or a picture, or even mention of a dual range 4EAT, or any dual range automatics for that matter... outside of vehicles that have a transfer case of course :rolleyes: This is why I am interested in this transmission.


If it does exist, I want to know how it works compared to the 4EAT. So please don't take my response as me being an rump roast, I am really interested in learning more about this dual range 4EAT :)


This is all a little off topic, but to bring it back to the topic, it would be sweet to bring the dual range back, especially in a diesel! :slobber:

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...If you have any links to cars that have this transmission, or a PDF that has this information in it, a brochure, anything written down or from a reliable website would be great! ...


Feel free to Download this .PDF I Found about the 4EAT Parts:


~► http://http://www.mediafire.com/?zd8ruk4w68wl1nh


I Know that Sometimes certain info is Hard to Obtain... in example: I Spent three Years Searchin' for Pictures of the Subaru Suiren, untill another USMB Member and Great Friend (Leone Turbo) from the Netherlands sent me the Document.


OK, Back to Topic ... :) ...


Kind Regards.

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
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Feel free to Download this .PDF I Found about the 4EAT Parts:




I Know that Sometimes certain info is Hard to Obtain... in example: I Spent three Years Searchin' for Pictures of the Subaru Suiren, untill another USMB Member and Great Friend (Leone Turbo) from the Netherlands sent me the Document.


OK, Back to Topic ... :) ...

Kind Regards.


Forgive my ignorance, but that PDF doesn't show anything about a "dual range" for the 4EAT, just the normal 4EAT. So if you could be so kind to point out how it proves that there is a "dual range" 4EAT that would be sweet :)


But I wish I would have had this document about 3 weeks ago :-\ I could not for the life of me locate the gasket that goes on the trans pan when I needed to check my duty B, so I ended up RTVing the pan since the dealer couldn't find one either. Oh well, next time I will call and order up a gasket and do it "right", so thank you very much for the parts list :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry that this Thread went off-Topic...

The Only Subaru Picture of a Dual Range Automatic I Found, Belongs to the Subaru Bighorn:




More info about it, at this Thread:


~► http://http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/50983-strange-and-weird-subaru-stuff/page-31?do=findComment&comment=955900


Look at Post Nº 763

OK, Back to Topic! :)
Kind Regards.

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
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