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weird noise from the rear

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Started driving down the road this morning and maybe 20 yards down the road i heard a loud bang from the back end of my car thought it sounded weird and there was nothing in the road, then about 6 seconds later another one. I stopped and looked under the car and there was nothing.. i feel that my hill helper is sticking but wouldn't think the noise had anything to do with that. never heard it before and it only did it those two times. Any thoughts? Thanks

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Car model and year would help. Also, transmission type.


If you happen to have a pushbutton 4WD tranny, might be slipping into 4WD and binding the driveline, then slipping out and making the bang.


*Edit - found some other postings you made, and it seems like you have a " 92 loyale 5 speed ea82".

Edited by NorthWet
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On the pushbutton 4WD in my XT, I was getting sloppy habits and resting my hand on the shift knob, occasionally just brushing the 4WD button. This caused my car to buck and bang as it slipped in and out of 4WD.


4WD is activated by a combination of solenoids and vacuum diaphrams... lots of opportunites for mischief.

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