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Coolant not circulating, 95 Legacy new EJ22

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Hi all!

Just finished putting a new motor in my 95 legacy and am having trouble priming the coolant system. Added fluid and can not get all the air bubbles out so she gets hot and cold spots and does not fully circulate.

Is there a trick?? Should I use the vacuum method to get all the air out?

Thank you!

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Fill the block by the upper radiator hose. You may have to wait till the thermostat opens to add more coolant. Try adding coolant to the bleeder plug on the left of the radiator.


It is a bit tricky since the thermostat is on the bottom of the cooling system. Be careful, as it is possible to overheat during the fill procedure.

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nose up helps. keep at it, they'll eventually go away and watch the gauge they can overheat quickly sometimes.


some radiators have a bleeding screw on the top passengesr side of the radiator. big plastic screw, unthread it if you have one and let the bubbles come out.

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I ran across a subaru that had really bad overheating issues and wouldn't circulate coolant right after a 2.2l was swapped into it. The engine came with plastic plugs in the upper and lower radiator hose hookups on the engine, they had left the lower plug in and put the hose over it.


So it might be good to think back on when you put the engine in and if it had plugs like that.

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