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1997 Legacy the unit is humming all the time like a motor running. It's humming at idle which I guess means all the solendoids are running like crazy looking for something. This can't be right. I had an earlier post and searched-can't find that. Real time info appreciated. Thx.

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1997 Legacy the unit is humming all the time like a motor running. It's humming at idle which I guess means all the solendoids are running like crazy looking for something. This can't be right. I had an earlier post and searched-can't find that. Real time info appreciated. Thx.



My sons 96 legacy 2.2 had the battery die on me and then I realized there was a faint hum coming from the ABS unit (front passenger side of engine compartment)

It will (should) kill your battery

I disconnected the wire going to it and all is well...except no more ABS (your ABS light will come on)

I would like to replace the electric part but I need to find one reasonable...especially now that winter is coming. I don;t know if it is real easy to replace this or not. maybe someone else can chime in

Anyone got one for sale?

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Thanks folks. It was kind to retreive that earlier thread for me too. Mine is unlike our other friend's problem. It doesn't drain the battery. That link may be of use to him . Noise went away for awhile and came back recently. Never an ABS light except on startup for a few secs.

Thanks again for the help. I won't post again except to report the solution.

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Intermittent "weirdness" with the ABS system is sometimes caused by a poor ground connection. You might want to check for corroded ground points near the ABS unit.


Dirt/mud/filings on the wheel sensors or tone rings can also cause problems that come and go.


Some ABS info:




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Gracias again sir. and I'll save those links. I really like this car a lot. They are so safe and agile. i notice them all over the place now. Some are beat to hell and look like nobody knows where the hood latch is. Then there are the newer ones which are cool. For every one problem mentioned here there are probably hundred if not thousands running around with no concerns to the drivers. Those of us -WHO LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS- eventually get these gems after they've been a little screwed up. But with You and others here we have a resource that the PO's never knew. pretty neat:)

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  • 3 months later...

I need to clear something up which may come up as a previous thread re ABS "noise" at idle. Many more knowledgeble than myself came to another's aid and . What it is what they said the esteemed long-throw inside CV joints develop inside wear which is noticable in drive, at stop.

That is, they may rattle a bit at stop because that is where the area in straight drive wears.

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